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This chapter has been edited

**David's POV**

I had just dumped off my daughter at that boarding school I had read about online. At first I never intended to drop her of there, but after all the tantrums she threw over leaving the damn house I just couldn't take it anymore. All I could ever see in her was her mother, but now all I see is my anger coming from her while looking like the younger version of her mother. I just couldn't take seeing that all the time now. Not only that but any time I did try to be nice all I could  think of was her mother. Then I would lose it to my anger. God just thinking of that stupid little bitch has me becoming more upset. I growled at the thought of her as I saw an upcoming gas station. As I pulled up to the pump I glanced in the back to see my pack of beer just sitting waiting to be chugged down by me when I got to the new house. I started pumping gas and came to the realization that just one pack was not going to do it. Hell. I might as well celebrate being rid of her that bitch.

I used to love my daughter, but now  I just hate her for how she is like her mother! I walked in the gas station and went directly to where they keep the beer. I debated getting two cases, but thought better of it and just grabbed a twelve pack and went to pay for it. After I finished paying for my celebratory drinks and gas I got back in the car. Just before I started driving my phone rang.

Who would be calling me?

Without looking at the caller I let out a grunt and let my attitude and irritation seep in to my voice, "What do you want?!"

"Hello sir this is Mr. Collins the principal of Mr.Lockheart's boarding school and I'm here with your daughter."

"What'd that little bitch do now...", I said feeling a rumble in my chest as my voice got deeper as I began to feel myself become angry at the possibilities.

"Excuse me sir?", this Mr. Collins said seeming to just barely hold back his own anger as he emphasized the "excuse me" with a deeper tone.

"What? Oh.. nothing. What do you need? Is she in trouble?", I asked in a nicer tone as to not get in trouble though I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle her with my bare hands.

If she's in trouble I'll smack her...

"No sir no trouble, but there is a problem. She isn't registered here by you and there is the fact of us being a boarding school."

"Yes, I know you are a boarding school what about it?", I asked while becoming a bit nervous.

"Since we are there are payments needed, so that we can house your daughter, feed her, etc.. So you see you will have to pay for her to be here."

"Exactly how much?", I asked. I don't have any money. I spent it on beer and if she is forced back on me then I'd kick her out to fend for herself. I could always make her work so I don't have to. She's also still a virgin... maybe I can sell her virginity or something.. That'd be a lot of money who knows how much a man would be willing to pay for that. I felt my grin grow slightly and drop at the thought of then having to deal with her again and the face of her mother.

"About $3,800 a month", as soon as I heard the price I couldn't help, but choke on my own spit. 

"I don't have it! Have her pay. She's 18. There is no longer a point being on the phone bye.", I hung up. She can deal with it. It's her own education anyway.

**Nat's POV**

I listened quietly to the conversation, unfortunately, I was only able to hear Mr. Collins side of the call and wasn't able to hear what my father had to say.

Mr. Collins hung up the phone with a confused and slightly annoyed look on his face. "Very odd father you have..", he said as he folded his hands and let out a sigh. "It seems you will have to pay the payments on your own if you want to go here.", he said with a sad smile.

"..b-but I have nothing. Only what I have in these bags...", I said in a whisper that was hardly audible.

He started to hum to himself as he thought. Then he looked back at me and smiled, "I know what we can do!"

"Great! What can we do?", I asked excited that I will be able to continue school after all.

"Well, what classes do you need?", he asked.

"Just business economics, history, latin, and health.", I said as I played with my fingers.

"Great! After those classes you will be helping those teachers with grading papers and such.", he said with a smile.

"That's all I have to do? That seems easy.", I said smiling widely.

"Yes, now let me take you to your room and introduce you to your room mate.", he said as he stood up. I stood up with him and watched as he bent down to grab my duffle bags.

Wow that's a nice butt...

Chill I can't do that hands off... he's my principal.

God.. but if he wasn't... so hot..

What is with my dirty mind lately! I'm never like this!

I grabbed my two suit cases as I tried to shake my thoughts away. We started walking down the hall again and as we took a right then left he began to talk, "I hope you'll enjoy it here! Since you are the last student we can take, your room is close to the teachers' rooms that they live in. Also feel free to stay weekends. From how your father talked I'm sure you'd enjoy it here a lot more."

I smiled sadly and said, "I really don't want to go back to my house, but I'm going to have to."

"Well since it's Friday you'll be going home tomorrow then. Yet, you'll be helping your new teachers tonight and they'll also catch you up on what they are teaching in class, so you will be ready for Monday.", he said as he finally stopped in front of a door. He opened the door and pushed it open then let me walk in first.

Let me just say... I'm going to love it here! I just hope my roommate is nice...

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