Rude father

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Dean and I went back to grading the papers as we talked about things we liked and disliked. He was trying to cheer me up that much was clear since we weren't talking about what I need to catch up on in class.

"You like old rock music? A person your age actually knows what that is too?", Dean asked as he finished grading a paper.

"Yes, I love it. I grew up listening to it and the instrumental parts they would put in I loved! I love all kinds of music.", I said as I finished grading my eighth paper.

"I'm still shocked at that.", Dean said as he looked up at the clock. "It's time to get you back to your room. It's 8:30.", Dean said as he stood and stretched. I stood and waited for him to finish then we went out the door and he led me to my room.

It wasn't a quiet walk, we continued to talk all the way to my room. We went up the stairs and down the hall to the right. As soon as we got to my door I smiled up at Dean. "Thanks for helping me find my room again and for cheering me up." I said timidly.

"It's no problem my room is just a few doors down, so I was heading here anyway."

"Do all the teachers know where everyone's room is? Since you found mine pretty easily."

"These two connected rooms used to be used for those who couldn't get along with anyone, but everyone is getting along pretty well so we haven't had to use them. Besides that, Jessie and you took the last rooms, so now they can't be used at all. That's also why the teachers' dorms are so close to these rooms.", he said as he smiled at me.

"Ah, well that explains everything. Thank you again Dean. Goodnight.", I said as I opened up my door.

"Goodnight to you too Nat.", Dean said as he walked across the hall and one door down. He looked back and said, "Told you not that far." He laughed a little then went into his room. I went in my room and shut the door as I laughed to myself a little. I pulled my phone out of my waist band and looked to see if my father had answered yet.

It's 603 North Willis Street. Don't expect me to get you, you can walk the five miles. I'm too busy to get you hooker.

Well isn't that such a lovely message to get from your father?.... No? I didn't think so either. Great now I have to walk home.

"Well.. better sleep seeing as I'm going to have to start walking home at noon to be there by one...", I said to myself as I began to change into my pajamas then climbed into my new bed. Then put my glasses on the stand next to my bed.

Oh God this bed is like laying on a damn cloud!

A few minutes later I fell asleep. It was the best night of sleep I've had in weeks.


I woke up to the sound of my doorbell being pressed.

Who the hell is waking me up from my wonderful sleep?

I got up from my bed and walked to my door while rubbing my hands against my eyes trying to get the sleepiness out of them.

Damn my glasses!

I walked back over to my stand and grabbed them then walked back over to the door with them still in my hand. I opened the door to see a large blurry mass standing there. "Crap.. One second.", I said to this large blurry mass as I hurried to put my glasses on while letting out a yawn. I looked up and smiled tiredly at the person in front of me. "Hello Mr. Winchester. What can I do for you?",  I asked as I looked up at him as he looked down at me.

"Um... Ms. McGee. Sorry to wake you I just uh...", he started to shift from one foot to another while looking anywhere than at me.

What's up with him I'm just wearing my panda pajamas...

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