The scream

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***3rd POV***

Sam still held Nat close as she slept peacefully in his arms. "Dean can you move the pizza?", Sam whispered to his brother as he walked over to her bed. Dean nodded and moved the pizza to be by the speakers. As Dean did Sam pulled back Nat's bed covers and laid her down then tucked her in.

Dean watched as his younger brother put the angel to bed and tucked her in. He watched as he then sat on the bed beside her and continued to watch the delicate angel escape from the horror that is her life for a few hours. Dean sat next to the angel on the other side of the bed and watched as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. They were so quiet that if you listened close enough you'd be able to hear all three of their hearts beating at there own rythem.

Sam sat and watched as Nat slept peacefully, for once, with her father so close. Sam found himself thinking of how they danced with each other and how good it felt to be holding her. Not only how good it felt... but how right it felt to have her in his arms. To feel her body heat against his in that club and then to be slow dancing in her bedroom to a slow song. To then carrying her as she fell asleep in his arms. It felt right he'd felt it once before, but never like this... not this strong. His heart could be heard thumping faster at the memories of the night as he sat there watching his angel sleep peacefully under his watch.

Dean watched the little fairy sleep peacefully considering the days events. He looked over to his brother to see him looking at the fairy with a look he hadn't seen in his brother's eyes before.

This emotion in his brother's eyes fascinated him, yet made him angry. He was fascinated at the look on his brother's face to this fairy they'd only met a day ago, but angry that he was looking at his fairy the way only he should. Dean's jaw clenched as he continued to see the emotion on Sam's face. He looked back to his sleeping fairy and all anger left him. He watched as she slept and thought of their dance together and how good it felt to be holding her so close. Not only that, but how they almost kissed. He wanted to kiss her so desperately. As he thought about such a thought you could hear his heart beating like a freight train going down the tracks at full speed. Dean knew this would be trouble knowing how he felt for her and by the look on his brother's face it looked like his brother felt the same way he did for her. He sighed and stood up from the bed while his heart was wanting him to stay longer to watch over the fairy his brain was telling him he needed coffee.

He looked over to her little sunflower clock to see it was 2 am.

How'd the time pass so quickly?

Dean thought to himself as he began to make his way to the door to only be stopped by his brother's voice. "Where you going?", Sam asked as he tore his eyes away from the angel.

"I'm gonna make coffee. You want some?", Dean asked as he opened the bedroom door.

"Uh yeah sure.", Sam said as he stood from the bed and went with his brother into the hall.

"Wait before we go down...", Dean said as he checked the father's room. He opened the door and looked in to see the father passed out on the bed. He closed the door again and looked to Sam. "Okay we're good.", he said as they began making their little journey to the kitchen.

When they got there they looked in the cabinets and were just lucky enough to find a little bag of coffee grounds left. Dean began to brew the coffee as Sam leaned against the counter and thought of his little angel.

No word but angel could describe her..

Sam thought to himself with a small smile on his face. Dean turned to face his brother as he waited for the coffee to brew and saw the look his brother was giving Nat when they were in her room. "You okay Sammy?", Dean asked as he raised an eyebrow at his brother.

"Huh? Yeah I'm good.", Sam said as he tried to play it off. Dean just nodded and grabbed two cups for them to drink out of. A few minutes later of awkward silence between them and the coffee was hot and ready to be chugged down. As they finished their cups of coffee they heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from Nat's room....


I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, but I've been busy trying to help a charity that deals with depression. If you'd like to help in some sort of way or are interested to know more please message me! It's a great cause and I'd be happy for more help!!!!

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