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I decided to include myself when I was writing Chapter 16, I first didn't define what gender or what the main character was to make a point that you could fit anyone in there. But there was an age limit, since the character seemed to be working in his or her profession for quite a while but still young, I would assume the limit to be over twenty but less than thirty. I am not in that age frame, nor do I have a desire to kill. The only reasons why I placed myself as a character was to create a great plot twist, and the fact that all those thoughts was mine. This story was mine, and is still mine. So to place myself literally in the main character’s shoes created a strong connection between me and my own story.


Taeyeon was the symbol of evil, or a sort of a dark force. She is the imagination of what makes bad people bad, they aren't bad until they think about doing bad things and actually going through with the action. She is the voice that urges wars to break out and babies to be thrown out of windows. Taeyeon could also be seen, in a vague way, the reason for excuses. I have tried to throw all my faults upon her in the fact of reality, although I as unsuccessfully, I did still attempt. Her “Liquid Knowledge” is the “thirst for knowledge,” having the words “liquid” and “thirst” being in the same category linked them together well.


Tiffany was the symbol of a motherly figure, weakness, pity, but also a strong source of comfort to Moose, her dog in my imagination. In reality, Moose could be her child (mentioned in Chapter 18,) in where they are instantly bound by this unbreakable companionship and provide mutual support to each other. Even if Moose cannot do as much for Tiffany as she can for him. Tiffany was constantly pushed around by Taeyeon, the source of evil, and perhaps in reality, it could be true. Tiffany is human just like anyone else, she is fairly normal, just a housewife with a child, but that doesn't excuse her from surrendering to the pressures of society and succumbing to evil to get her way. And that this the “love” between Tiffany and Taeyeon, Tiffany, a normal human being, cannot escape Taeyeon, the evil. At one point she does retaliate by pointing the gun at me, which marks a member of the middle class' breaking point in the abuse of evil of society. She was constantly butting heads with Jessica in my story because Jessica was a prostitute, and I have never seen a housewife with a young child be particularly accepting of “loose women.” She may have even felt threatened by Jessica, if they met in reality, because Jessica could be a source of strain on Tiffany's marriage.


Jessica is the symbol of what all mothers want their children to avoid, lust, enticement, entrapment, and just this type of masochism. She enjoys hurt, which she mentions multiple times, not in a sexual or physical way, but the type within the mind. Therefore, there's this attraction that she has with Taeyeon, you could even call it an infatuation. She may have been included in my story to signify the type of torture I have put myself through for killing Tiffany, and that I only wish for more.


Yuri is the symbol of a guardian, of the last stroke of sanity that has failed miserably. She has constantly attempted to pull Jessica out of her undesirable occupation and to get her off the streets as much as possible, but Jessica and she have both been taken by Taeyeon. So the cutting edge of danger, the evil aura, has won over reason, to bribe is much more tempting than to do a lot of legwork for money, to cut class is more appealing than to sit in it.


He is the symbol of reality, and truth. He is rough with his words, and very frank, but that is how reality works. He is also part of the law, something that ties us all down and that we cannot free ourselves from. If you murder someone, you will be caught.

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