Chapter 5: Brother Javy

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Jordyn POV

It has been two months since Kris and I have last talked in a real conversation. Yeah two damn months. Apparently he's been seeing someone. I have been ignoring Kris and he's been ignoring me. I've been hanging out with someone else and I've loved every minute I've spent with him. He's like a brother to me.

Oh and by the way I'm living in the apartment by myself with Javy here almost every time they're at home. Natalie moved in with Tyler but we still talk but not as often.

"Javy hurry up. If we're both late Joe will kill us." I yelled to the guest room where Javy was getting in his suit. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He replied. The Cubs wanted me to be a part of their staff as part of public relations and I accepted. I quit my job at the Hilton and joined the Cubs. It does mean seeing Kris but I guess that's part of the business. Plus we are neighbors.

We go to Wrigley Field and we walk in the clubhouse 8 minutes late.

"Oh my god they're finally here, like 8 minutes late!" A very wound for sound Anthony Rizzo yells. "What did you eat for breakfast? It's 7:20 in the morning." I ask. "I woke up at 6 and drank a Red Bull." Anthony replied. "Of course you did." I laugh while leaning on Javy's shoulder with my eyes slowly shutting. "Sis wake up. You can't go to sleep right now." Javy whispered in my ear. God his accent is perfect. "I wouldn't be like this if you didn't take so long in my bedroom trying to decide what to wear." I roll my eyes. Javier just smirked and grabbed my hand walking to his locker. "Javy you seriously are just now getting here?" Joe asked. "Yea." Javy replied.

Joe looked at me for answers. "He couldn't decide what to wear which made us both late and we couldn't go to Dunkin's. So blame him for my bad mood." I said.

Anthony gasps. "Oh shit. Jordyn didn't have coffee! I'm scared! Kris hold me!" Anthony jumps into Kris' arms. "Jordyn take him." Kris rolled his eyes, making my hold Anthony. First words Kris has spoken to me in two months. Like I shit you not. "Alright, Anthony. I'm going to take you to calm you down." I said to Rizzo. "Okay! I'm fine with that!" his hyper ass yells. I take him out to the dugout. "Rizz, calm down. Look at me." I said. Anthony looked at me. "I am looking at you." He tells me. "Yeah I know you're right. But since you're so hyper, run the bases 5 times because it seems like you're hyperness is wearing down but I want to make sure so start running." I said and he does as told.

It took him 10 minutes to calm down. "You're a lifesaver, Jordyn. Thank you." Anthony said. "You're welcome Rizz. Now can you let the guys have some peace and quiet?" I asked him. "Yeah." He replied. "Awesome." I say then we walk into the clubhouse, I mean I walk into the clubhouse with a tired Rizzo on my back.

The guys are talking loud when I get in there. "Hey guys, quiet. Rizzy is sleeping." I said to them, putting Anthony down at his locker where he makes Kris' lap a pillow and sleeps.

Joe comes in right after that as I'm sitting next to Javier. "Ok guys. It's a big game tonight and we play the Cardinals. We're gonna need to work hard both offensively and defensively to shut them down. Starting line ups this afternoon are Fowler at right, Bryant at third, Rizzo at first..." And so on. "Contreras catching and Arrieta on the mound. And why the hell is Anthony sleeping?" Joe asked. "Um well Joe, I can explain that one." I said. "Ok well, explain." Joe looked at me. I explain what happened, and he starts to laugh. "Well, I guess I'll give him the day off. He looks like he needs it. LaStella, you will fill in for Rizzo today but I'm gonna put Kris at first and you can go at third." he said. The team all nods, except Anthony lol. "Jordyn can you go submit the starting roster?" Joe asked me. "Yeah. Of course." I replied, standing up but Javier pulled me back down. "Jordan, no." Javy begs. "Javy you have practice and I have some public relations stuff to do." I laughed and walked to the PR office to do some work.

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