The Duel pt.2

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I charged at the Bajaju and managed to get in two quick left hooks before he swung his huge arm at me and knocked me backward. A skeletal warrior called out "you each may grab one of your weapons". We both ran to opposite sides of the field, I grabbed my shield and he grabbed his seven foot long two handed broad sword. I was nimbler and had better form, but he was bigger, stronger, and a lot more aggressive. As we fought I realized his weakness was his inability to move quickly and form a strategy that was based on any kind of attack except bash and whack. In our next bout I pressed him, hitting him with quick slicing strokes with my shield. I managed to knock him to his knees, but then he grabbed my throat and threw me to the ground. I couldn't get up he had broken three of my ribs. I would've died right there if the skeleton hadn't called for a new weapon. He dropped the sword next to me and walked to get his sledge hammer. As he crept up slowly telling me "I have never been defeated, I am the strongest creature on the earth, and I " I interrupted him saying "shut it you skrugger". He laughed and walked right next to me saying "this bug insults my superiority" and then he bent over me. I whispered to him and said "you are very stupid" then I stabbed him through with a concealed knife. He died immediately and the Amazons won once again, but at what cost?

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