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'It was a horrible dream she had ever since she was a child. A dream that was not as any other. It was her dark, mysterious future waiting for its master to order for it to rise and kill the beloved ones. The cursed dream which was ready to darken her heart and enlighten her with the unspoken truth and open her eyes at the unbelievable actions. She had the strength of a Wolf, the wisdom of an Owl and the cleverness of a Crow'

The throne is not more than a puppet in some fools hands yet they know it's the key of fortunes.

'One taste of blood changed the word peace to the word war. Dividing the Great Kingdom Aireinia into three Kingdoms that speak only one mutual language "War"'

-The story's statics-

+Kingdom Slaveina+
-The Vampire Kingdom-

King Hamsell
Queen Margaret
Princess Silvatra Hamsell
Prince Kaden Hamsell
Marsal Jarman
Drammen Evka
Grader Esrale
Leader Hayes Predita
Leader Arsel Morgan
Clarious Piñatar
Jonathan Piñatar

+Kingdom Garamond+
-The Hunter Kingdom-

Arkansas Craven [The King]
Bedraf Dekon Craven [The Prince]
Klezmern Vermond Hermes [The King's Assistant]
Safera Estol

+Kingdom Montfort+
-The Werewolf Kingdom-

Alpha Salvador
Luna Ellen Arson
Alpha's son Duncen Salvador
Alpha's daughter Marlene Salvador
Beta Merkin Framond
Beta's daughter Romina Merkin

-The Villages-

+Kingdom Slaveina+

Snadour (Barkas Hill)

+Kingdom Garamond+


+Kingdom Montfort+


-The Castles-

+Kingdom Slaveina+

Castle of village Dravars, Carlosvine
Castle of village Navors, Bastfeild
Castle of village Snadour, Habermin
Castle of Hartmas, Paragonite
Castle of Hempen, Zadar
Castle of Tasrein, Omten
Castle of Santeria, Trajan

+Kingdom Garamond+

Castle of village Erviena , Zinoviev
Castle of Devein, Garlem
Castle of Marles, Werkmold
Castle of Gabes, Monk

+Kingdom Montfort+

Castle of Santander, Portmanuel
Castle of Harlek, Darnell
Castle of Madreina, Marlins

-The Map of the Kingdoms-

+Kingdom Slaveina is in the Southern pole.
+Kingdom Garamond is in between the Northern and the Southern pole.
+Kingdom Montfort is in the Northern pole.

-The Map of the Villages-

+Kingdom Slaveina+

+Village Dravars is at the tip of the Northern part of the Southern pole near Erviena.
+Village Navors is at the Western part of the Southern pole.
+Village Snadour is at the tip of the Eastern part on a large cold hill called Barkas.
+Village Hartmas is in the Eastern part.
+Village Hempen is at the middle of the Southern pole.
+Village Tasrein is between Hempen and Dravars.
+Village Santeria is between Snadour and Dravars.

+Kingdom Garamond+

+Village Erviena is at the tip of the Southern part of the pole between the Northern and the Southern near Dravars.
+Village Devein is at the Western part near Navors.
+Village Marles is at the Northern part near Santander.
+Village Gabes as at the middle.

+Kingdom Montfort+

+Village Santander is in the Southern part of the Northern pole near Marles.
+Village Harlek is in the tip of the Northern part.
+Village Madreina is in the Eastern part.

-The Forests-

Between Dravars and Erviena is forest Verdurmina
Between Navors and Devein is forest Fasbille
Between Santander and Marles is forest Marcus

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