chapter 7

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"You look amazing in that dress." he said to me.

I put away his hand and mumbled"Thanks" 

He just smiled at me "Do you want a drink?"

"No thanks"

"Okay. I'll just take for me one then." He stood up and left the room. I turned my head towards the others. Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Jason and Samantha were talking. then I turned towards Harry and that Charlotte girl. My knees got weak and anger boiled in me. They were kissing.


I immediately turned my head the other way not wanting to watch them anymore. Why is he kissing her? I don't understand? She looks so cheap. Too short dress, fake nails, way too much make-up and maybe even her hair is fake. Who knows? But the question is why does this even matter to me? Why am I angry about? He isn't mine and he never was. He never will. I shouldn't be angry. I need something to drink. I felt someone sit next to me and when i turned my head I saw Nick with red cup with some alcohol I guess.

 "Nick, I changed my mind. Can you get one cup of whatever this is for me?" I really don't know what else to do. I just want to forget about Harry for now.

"Girl you can have mine" He said and gave me his cup. I took it and drank it all at once. I felt the liquid burn down my throat. I shivered of how strong it was.

After half an hour and after two more cups of what ever it was I was dancing with Nick between all the sweaty bodies. I forgot my anger towards Harry for kissing that Charlotte girl and about everything else. I was enjoying my time and moving my hips with the beat of the music. When the song I was dancing on was over I felt I needed to pee. I asked Nick where the bathroom was but he was too drunk to show me, only sober enough to tell me that in on the second floor. I slowly made my way up the stairs holding on to the fence for support. When I got up someone bumped in to me. I turned my head and saw Harry the anger got back in me and I narrowed my brows.

"Sasha! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"He asked looking concerned.

I opened my mouth ready to yell at him but I stopped myself. I'm his friend. I maybe like him but that's all. He can have girlfriends and I can have boyfriends. Why do I keep thinking that he should not have other girls? He has and he will have. I'm just acting stupid. I shook my head and smiled faintly.

"I'm fine. I am just looking for the bathroom"

"Oh, is down the hall"

"Okay, thanks"

I walked down the hall and there were three doors. Which door is the bathroom door? I'l just check them all. I first walked to the door to my left. I tried to open it but it was locked. Then I walked to the door in front of me. I opened the door and I walked on Charlotte with some guy doing it. I quickly closed the door. So Harry wasn't sleeping with her after all? But why was he kissing her? I don't understand. But my wondering can be solved in the morning now i have to pee and I'm a little bit dizzy from the drinks. I opened the last door and finally find the bathroom. 


When I got down the stairs I saw Liam leaning against a wall and I walked to him.

 "Hey, what are you doing?" I smiled at him.

"I was just waiting for you. The guys want to leave so I am here to take you. It's already 2.30"

"Yeah sure. I am a little dizzy and I am sleepy" 

"Let's go. They are in the car." He took my hand and we got out of the house.

The car drive was..interesting. I think we were all drunk expect for Liam who was driving. We all joked and laughed on the stupidest things. It was actually very fun. When got back we all went to our rooms. I removed my make-up and stripped my clothes and laid in bed. Yes, I'm weird like that and yes, I like to sleep in my underwear and bra. Actually it's very comfortable.

I woke up from very loud banging on my door. Who can be it's like only 10 in the morning. I put my robe on and opened the door. There was some boy older than me. Maybe twenty-one or something.

"Um.. I'm sorry miss but miss Wiling told me to tell you that she wants you to be at the lunch room at 11 and after that you're going in the city with your History teacher and the boys in your History class."

"Okay. Bye" I said and closed the door. Since my bathroom wasn't done yet I took my stuff and went in to the bathroom down the hall and showered. I dressed and brushed my teeth. Then blow dried my hair and let it fall down my shoulders. Then I put on some mascara and lip-gloss. I went to my room and put my stuff in their places. I took my phone and it was 11 already so I walked down the stairs and in to the lunch room. There I saw my mum on one table eating her food. I picked a sandwich and some coffee for me and sat next to her.

"Hi honey" She smiled at me.

  "Hi mum" I smiled back and took a bite of my sandwich.

"How was your night?"

"Very well thanks.I had a great time. How about you?"

"I glad. As for me you know. I was working on some project until midnight and then fall asleep"She chuckled.

"So where are we going after we eat?"

"Oh to the city with the History teacher. I think you're going to visit some museums of arts"

"That's nice" I smiled and continued eating my food.

After we ate we got in the school front yard. There was a bus in the driveway and my History teacher in front of the bus' door. I walked towards her.

"Sasha! We we're waiting for you. The boys are already set. You have a seat in the back"

She said and I climbed in the bus. I slowly made my way to the back looking for my seat. I saw Niall and Louis sitting in one row, then Liam and Zayn, Rayan and Drew, Josh and John and other boys from my class. Then I saw Harry sitting by his own. I looked around and that sit was the only one that wasn't taken. I guess I'm sitting next to him on the ride. This should be fun.

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