chapter 19

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"Sasha, wake up beautiful!" I heard a voice call but just turned my head the other way. 

"Fine, have it this way." The voice said and i felt lips on my neck and suddenly i'm not on the soft letter car seat and i feel his arms around me keeping me secure as he closes the car door and locks it. Then i feel him walking and just nuzzle my head in his neck and smell his cologne which turned out to be my favourite sell in the world.

"I'm going to have to put you down now, Sasha so i can unlock the door." He whispered in my ear making shivers go down my spine but not for long realizing i had to open my eyes and most importantly out of his arms which are the most comfortable thing. I just groaned which made him chuckle and he put me down. I opened my eyes and saw a small, cozy looking house. He unlocked the door and let me in. I slipped off my shoes and walked in to a room which was the living room. It was beautiful. It had a fireplace and a huge TV above it, big letter sofa and a coffee table. I walked in another room which was the kitchen and as i was to turn around i felt Harry wrap his arms around my waist. I smiled and felt kisses on my neck. They were so gentle and made me moan quietly. I didn't need to see him to know that he was smirking right now. 

On the rest of the floor there was a bathroom and we got up the stairs. There was a guest room and a guest bathroom and his bedroom and bathroom. 

"Wait here while i get the bags." He smiled and said as I sat down on his bed. 

"Okay" I smiled back and he left the room. I laid my torso backwards and looked at the ceiling. This is going to be so much fun.


We were currently sitting in the living room on the sofa cuddling and watching "The last song" which i chose and after a lot complaining from Harry saying that it's a girly move i finally convinced him to watch it. Now it was near the end and i sniffled quietly not wanting Harry to notice but that as impossible because we were so close to each other i could feel his breath on my cheek. I didn't want him to see me cry just because i decided to never cry again and didn't want anybody to show my weak side. I have never cried in front of anybody and thought that he will laugh at me and say that i'm being silly. But my opinion changed once i felt his thumb softly brushing the fallen tears on my cheeks and kissing my temple. I softly smiled and soon after the movie ended.

"What do you want to do now, beautiful?" He softly asked me.

I couldn't believe how he find me beautiful at this moment. In my sweats, my messy bun and my face flushed and nose red from crying. But that was the thing with him. He always called me beautiful no matter what. And that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't know. I'm kinda tired." I trailed off. He nodded and stood up.

"So let's go to bed." He handed out his hand for me to take and i did. We walked up the stairs and in to the bedroom. 

He immediately took off his ants and shirt and tossed it to me.

"I want you to wear it to bed." He said after seeing me confused as why he threw his shirt at me and i blushed and nodded my head.

I quickly stripped off my clothes and bra and put his shirt on. When i was done he was already in bed looking at his phone. When i got under the covers he put his phone down.

"Stop" I almost yelled as he was about to tun off the bedside lamp.

"What?Why?" He asked.

"I-um..uh..never mind." I blushed. I didn't want to admit that i am afraid of the dark. I am not five anymore. But i am and i have never slept in the dark before.

"No tell me why" He pushed. I guess i have to tell him now.

"Well-um..okay. I-I will tell you but-uh promise you won't laugh." I stuttered and he clearly saw that i was embarrassed of something so he just nodded signaling me i can go on. "Well when i was little-uh i used to go around the house in the middle of the night-um and my mum feared that i might hurt myself so she started telling me about witches and ghosts and ever since then i can't sleep in complete darkness. And nobody else knows that, not even my mum. I remember many nights going to bed with the lights out and i couldn't fall asleep out of fear that they will come for me or the times i woke up in the middle of the night and covered my whole body and head with the covers thinking they won't know i'm there. Even now when i know there is no such things i can't go to sleep in the dark. I just can't." I finished and looked him directly in his eyes. He was listening to me so carefully i could see it in his eyes. But he didn't said anything. Is he freaked out of me now? What did i had to stop him and tell him? Suddenly i felt him pulling me in his arms hugging me tightly.

"If you want the light on it's okay baby but just so you know I'm here and you don't have to be afraid. I will always protect you and be here for you. Remember that. Always." He said and pecked my lips. My heart melted at his words. This was perfect. He was perfect. 

"Thank you Harry" I said and fall asleep in the arms of my flawless boyfriend.


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Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! Can't belive he is 21! Aghhh! 

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