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Waverley, being the nerd she is, was playing Pokemon go again. She had been walking for over 10 minutes in an attempt to find a Charmander and she somehow ended outside Nicole's place battling it. She threw the pokeball perfectly and watched the ball shake three times before shouting extremely loud in celebration causing a very stunned Nicole to appear shutting the door so it was only slightly open.
"Hey wave um w-what are you doing here?" Nicole stuttered out nervously looking at the smaller girl with a confused face.
"Well I was playing Pokemon and" she eyed up her girlfriend noticing her tight grip on the door's handle and how nervous she was. This reminded her of the first time she had caught Champ cheating on her in which he went to the extent of literally locking the door and walking her to go get some coffee leaving the other girl alone in their locked apartment which Waverly found her there sat on Champ and Waverly's bed. "What are you hiding from me?" This question made Nicole tense up and swiftly reply nothing.
"Nic how long you gonna be? we need your help sadly we can't all know abo-" Danny said before seeing Waverly it was only then she recognised the girl from all the pictures her cousin Nicole had shown her "ohhhh this is your girlfriend" she said looking over at Nicole who was doing a slow awkward bid while biting her bottom lip.
"Who is this?" Waverly said quite angrily looking at the two tall redheads stood infront of her. As Nicole was about to say something there was a loud crash which caused Danny and Nicole to rush into the apartment followed quickly by the smaller Earp girl. The scene she saw was a scene she would not forget there were books flying around the room knocking things over. There were others in the room , one of them was a dark haired girl grabbing onto another girl in a very protective way, another two were both ginger one in a science pun shirt saying are you fluorine, iodine and neon because you are fine and the other muttering something about things not being normal.
"What the hell is going on?" Waverly said panicking while books fly towards her. Once the books calmed down a bit, the room was wrecked but everyone was sat on the floor with lots of paper cuts. "We'll would anyone like to explain to me what the hell is going on?" Waverly shouted after having to fight off books but everyone was silent except Carmilla who begun to laugh at the small girl which gained a glare from Nicole ."what you expect me not to find the fact we just got attacked by books again not funny" Carmilla said still laughing.
"Wave we can talk about it later" nicole said attempting to avoid that conversation with her but the look she was getting from her girlfriend meant she was going to have to explain it now. Nicole sighed as she began "well this is my cousin Danny, these two are Lafontaine and Perry and that is Laura and her vampire girlfriend and they are all here because there is a giant fish God taking control of their campus, anyway is there a new a revenant to research?" This gained a laugh from Carmilla who got a glare from Laura.
"So vampires are real?" Waverly said smiling "that's so cool! So when a human transitions into a vampire is it an intimate thing between the person and the one who bit them? Can vampires die from starvation? Oh and do vampires only drink blood or can you get alternatives like vegans get replacements for meat?"  Waverly asked excitement practically seeping through her voice.
"Babe I don't think Carmilla wants to be interrogated" Nicole laughed " she's a vampire not a suspect in one of your investigations"
That day they continued to laugh and get to know eachother more, Laura and Waverly got on extremely well and she caught Nicole and Danny laughing at her and LaFontaine talking about researching and comparing notes on different things. Perry liked how welcoming Waverly could be and JP (who had came in after the crisis they had with the books) enjoyed talking to Waverly about ancient languages and ancient books. Seeing Waverly interact with people so close to Nicole made Nicole know one thing for sure, she was completely and utterly in love with Waverly.

We must be cursed ( Wynonna Earp / Carmilla crossover)Where stories live. Discover now