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Nicole pulled up to the homestead and they all headed towards the door.
On the drive there Perry and Nicole were trying to convince them to act normal, neither girl knew if anything they said was actually heard because LaFontaine and Laura were making puns out of Nicole's last name, Danny was laughing and Carmilla was looking out at the stars. It was literally like Nicole and Perry were the mothers, LaF, Laura and Danny were the young children and Carmilla was the broody teenager.
"Danny" Nicole pleaded "please get your friends act normal" Danny just smirked in response making Nicole panic.
"Hey Haughtpants" Wynonna said in a welcoming tone. She looked over at the redhead's friends looking at their every detail. She saw the resemblance of her and Danny quickly "so this is your tall Xena looking cousin and her people" she said laughing as they all came in.
When they went to the kitchen there was a lot of alcohol "damn this would be Kirsch's dream"
"Well it's too bad he's stuck in the Pi-" Laura was interrupted by a elbow to the stomach from LaF.
"Doing work." LaF shot a glare at Laura " he should be finished soon but he couldn't take a break from it to come... visit with us"
Dolls watched them all very carefully listening to every word. He noticed Carmilla had something different about her he just didn't know what yet. "Come on Dolls loosen up a bit" Wynonna said looking at the broody expression on his face.
"Why did they come now of all the times they could've visited? University breaks haven't started yet. Something isn't right Earp" Dolls said in his serious tone before getting up and going to talk to Carmilla.
"So you look just as excited as me to be here" Dolls said gaining Carmilla's attention up until then Carm had been watching Laura and reading something on her phone.
"I'm don't really enjoy drinking alcohol " Carmilla replied sounding bored.
"Well then maybe you can help me out by telling me Wh-"
"NICOLE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DONT STOP TALKING ABOUT WAVERLY I WILL SEND YOU TO SILAS AND LEAVE YOU THERE!" Danny shouted Waverly and Nicole to blush and Laura, LaF,Doc and Wynonna to laugh. 
"DANNY LAWERENCE!" Perry shouted in her usual Mother voice "what did I say to you about purposely trying to embarrass your cousin?" She said raising an eyebrow at the tall girl.
"You said not to do it but you see the issue with that is we both knew I'd end up doing it anyways so" Danny replied with a small smirk on her face.
The rest of the night was just Wynonna trying to get to know everyone, Carmilla was intersting to her though she found the girl's snarky remarks funny but she found it difficult to talk to the other girl she also found how jealous she could get amusing when she saw Carmilla's face when Danny was dancing with Laura. She saw how Carmilla and Waverly interacted and she smiled, their conversation seemed intense and from what she could gather it was something about history but whatever it was they were both very much enjoying the conversation.
"Hey Nicole so why are these people visiting now?" Wynonna asked remembering what Dolls had said "did they miss you too much or was it their burning desire to meet the oh so great badass sexy Earp and her sister the smart sexy great with a shotgun Miss Waverly Earp" she said jokingly.
"Well" Nicole said scratching the back of her neck " they just came to visit because it's been a while, ya know"
Wynonna looked at her and nervous she got when the question was asked, maybe it was just something personal she though, maybe.
Not soon after Nicole's friends said they'd walk back to the apartment so she could stay with Waverly longer but Dolls offered to drive them, he wanted to get to know them better and find out why they were at Purgatory.
"so why visit Purgatory now?" Dolls asked looking in the mirror to see their reactions to the question.
"Why not?" "Missed Nicole" "I didn't actually want to be here" they all replied at once, Carmilla's response gaining Laura's sharp elbow to her side which she only replied by muttering something.
"well what about you mister special division badge man?" Carmilla snapped at Dolls who's eyes shot open faster than Laura could devour a cookie.
"Sorry ?" Dolls said clearing his throat. Dolls was hoping to avoid having to use the same line he always does again but he saw Carmilla's face and she was not buying the act Dolls was trying to put on "what my division do is classified"
"Yeah it's not like you -" Carm was cut off by the car coming to a harsh  stop causing Laura to almost hit her head on the chair in front of her... Almost but Carmilla gently moved her head so Laura wouldn't get hurt. LaFontaine however went face first into a chair.
"There you go" Dolls said expressionless as ever. As they all began to climb out of the car "oh and Carmilla just out of interest, what's your last name?" Dolls asked trying to see if he ever saw her name in the files at black badge.
This gained a fanged smile which Dolls missed as she replied "Karnstein. Carmilla Karnstein" and with that she slid out of the car laughing with her fangs out as she slowly strolled away from the black car in which she left Dolls annoyed attempting to remember the name 'Karnstein' as once he did his eyes widened.

We must be cursed ( Wynonna Earp / Carmilla crossover)Where stories live. Discover now