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Bold is Ashton
Italics is Allison

Hi. Let's start over shall we?

Hi. I'm sorry I get possessed sometimes.


You are the scariest person I have ever met.

Technically we never actually met.


I'm surprised you know what that means.

I'm a very smart person.

I'm doubting that.

Can I ask you something?

You just did.

I'm rolling my eyes right now.

When did I ask for your opinion?

Ooh classic.

I know. Now what were you asking me?

Why do you try so hard to know me?

Cuz I care about my grades.

Wow. A player on their school basketball team cares about his grades.


I'm not trying to be rude but why do we care about grades? It's literally a number or letter some person gives you. Why do you need to be judged by one person? You can be smart in one persons eyes and not in the other. So what's with grades?

Going with deep as an excuse eh?


Ur weird.

Ashton has left the chat room.

"That awkward moment when you start and end the conversation."

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