How The Messed Up Thompson Family Feels

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Okay, fine I'll tell you the truth. It did feel weird without the app text pals on my phone. We were forced to delete it because our accounts were deleted too. Sure, I can text Ash on IM but it's just not the same. Text Pals is kinda our thing.


sup Ash

its Jayson's b-day in a few days and for some reason, he wants to invite you to his party. Idk don't ask.

not asking.

ok. so do you wanna come or no?

idk i have to check with my parents first but I wanna.


who's gonna be there?

some of Jayson's friends and my family.

okay. I'll talk to my parents later. I gtg bye.


See? It's just not the same.


I arrived at the Thompson house with a gift bag in my hands. The Thompson house was beige and white. It was shaped like a rectangle with a smaller rectangle on top. Next to the house was a garage that was also beige and white. There was a small space between the house and the garage. The small space had a fence door, which lead to the backyard. They had a path cutting through the lawn, leading to the door.

I walked to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds later, Mrs. Thompson stood in front of me. She had curly brown hair and sweet brown eyes. She seemed short compared to her son, Ashton. Probably around 5' 3. Mrs. Thompson wore a red blouse and jeans.

"Oh, Allison! Welcome! Did Ashton invite you?"

I smiled at her. I really liked this woman. "Thank you Mrs. Thompson. And no, Jayson actually invited me."

"All right. And please, call me Rosa. Come on in!"

I walked into the hallway and took off my shoes. Suddenly, a shout came from inside. "MA! Who is it?" Ashton appeared in front of his mother and I. "Oh. It's just Allison."

"Just?" I questioned.

He stuck his tongue at me like a kid. "Ashton Thompson! You are not a little kid!" His mom scolded him. "Ashton, please show some kindness to our guests."

I nodded. "Thank you Mrs. Thompson!" Ashton led me inside. He took the gift bag and placed it on the floor, on top of all the other gifts. Walking down the hall, we passed the living room and the dining room. The living room was filled with boys watching T.V or playing video games. There were a few little kids who were running around, screaming. The dining room was filled with balloons and junk food. Adults crowded around, talking to each other.

Ashton led me to what seemed like a study room. There were shelves lining the walls and a desk in the middle. A couch was on the side.

Ashton jumped on to the couch and pulled out his phone. "Jayson is hogging the living room, the adults are hogging the dining room, and well, there's only two- maybe one mature person here."

"That would be me."

Ashton nodded his head in agreement. "True enough."

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