How This Messed up Thing Became More Messed up

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^You have to listen to this song^


"Good Morning class!" Mrs. Sherman stared at us, waiting for an answer.

In middle school, teachers said that everyday but they didn't care if they got an answer or not. Apparently high school is a place of 'magic'.

I don't think I like magic anymore.

"Good Morning Mrs. Sherman.", the class grumbled back.

Mrs. Sherman gave us a funny look, which I didn't understand cause the only joke was her hair. She shook her head and suddenly clapped. The whole class sat up straight. We learned the hard way that clapping meant to pay attention.

"Okay class! I know we still have about a week before the last day of school. I know we all want summer vacation to happen already. I also do. But...." She began walking up the rows of desks. "We are still in school!" She brought out her arms in jumping jack position. "SURPRISE!"

Some of the classmates near her jolted.

"Yes. Complain all you want. The truth hurts." She began walking to her desk in the front. "Now, let's begin." She turned so she faced the entire class. "Everyone please take out your report of your text pal. It is your final report and it might be worth the most points. I hope you all put your best effort into it! I won't be so easy about your report today."

I unzipped my bag at the side of my desk and took out my folder. Sure, go ahead, make fun of me. I like being neat. I looked at the rest of my classmates. Their reports were either crumpled, wrinkled, or just really short. I took my report out of my folder. My report was almost a whole page, front and back.

"Please pass your report up the rows."

The people behind me passed their papers to me. I tapped Meg on the shoulder, who was sitting in front of me. She turned and gave me a smile. I gave her my stack of papers and our hands touched. She giggled and blushed. Some said that Meg had a crush on me. She's a nice girl and I'm 'friends' with her but I'm not really into her. Not wanting to hurt her, I act like I didn't know she had a crush on me.

Mrs. Sherman went up to the four desks in the front and stacked the reports together. She took a quick glance at the clock and the schedule. "Since it's the end of the year, and we have mostly finished and learned everything, I want to call people up to share their reports of their text pals."

Most people didn't care. Some of them groaned. Some of them seemed genuinely afraid of either getting a bad grade or talking in front of the whole class. I was afraid of sharing what I wrote.

"And no. I am not alphabetizing the reports. I will simply just mix the reports up and call you one by one up. Is that alright?"

I bit my lip. Some of my classmates shook their heads. The rest kept silent. One of them was brave enough to grumble "No."

Mrs. Sherman smiled. "Great!" She took the reports and shuffled them quite awkwardly.

I turned to look at Fish Face aka Logan aka my best friend. Logan had darkish blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a ready smile. He was basically what every girl in the school has a crush on. Logan's appearance was a cross between cute, innocent, and probably an angel. He knows every trick in the school book. Every class, he answers a few questions, pretends he's writing and thinking and when the bell rings, he lingers around, smiles at the teacher and leaves. This trick allows you to stay silent and talk around in class but still allows the teacher to know you exist and 'care' about your school work.

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