T w E n T y - f I v e

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This chapter will be a bit different. •-•
Bold is Ashton
Italics is Allison

What is your name?

Your neighborhood friendly spider-man!


Doesn't it say in the paper what our names are?

I told you the questions were stupid!

Where are you from?



What are your hobbies?

Roasting Ashton's butt off.

I don't have a life.

What is your favorite color?

Purple cuz I'm gunna bruise the person who made this question up.

Allison.... Your scaring the little kids.

Ahem sry kids! Ashton will read you a bedtime story!

What is your favorite food?

Ummm food?

*cough cough* aren't there starving children out there?

Ashton has a good point there... (For once)

When we meet each other, let's start a campaign to get food!

And again for once I agree with Ashton.... Sadly.

End of chapter... To be continued!

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