How This Messed Up Thing Ended

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Beware of cringe

She wasn't what I thought she would be.

She wasn't exactly extremely pretty or ugly of any sort. She was normal. She had long brunette waves and soft brown eyes. She wore a simple cardigan over a t-shirt and jean shorts. She seemed about 5'6 or so but I was definitely taller than her. She was cute, I'll give you that. But if I met her as I was walking down the street, I would have guessed she was a normal girl. She was actually anything but normal. And I loved that. It's funny how that works.

"So you're Ashton Thompson," she said while smirking.

I grinned back. "Yep. And you're Allison Simons."

"Nope. I'm not."

I raised my eyebrows in question, challenging her to answer.

"This is the national human abduction society. Aka the NHAS. We capture humans but we mostly capture teens," she replied, accepting my challenge.

I did a half way smile, chuckling to myself. "Are you sure you're not the national heart abduction society? Cause you totally stole mine."

Her eyes widened and I winked. I took a quick glance at Logan in the back, signaling him to start the music.

The song Shut up and Dance starts playing. As the music reached a melody, 4 other boys came out of the crowd. 2 of them were to my right and 2 were at my left. And I begin dancing the moves I had practiced late into the night.

{This is the time where you open the music and you close your eyes and imagine Ashton and his friends dancing like a K-pop boy band.}

At the part where there was only a melody and no lyrics, the whole group separated, each of us preforming our own little show. And of course, I was the finale, sliding in front of Allison and breaking out some moves.

At the last few lyrics of shut-up and dance with me, I stop, slide in front of Allison on my knees and just as the song ends, I pull a rose out of my sleeve.

Allison laughed, her face pink with laughter. She face palmed, and it seemed that there were tears in her eyes. "You idiot,"she whispered.

Before anyone could react, the music starts playing again. Except that this time, it's some sort of tango music. I bit my lip, not wanting to know the truth. I take a glance at Logan, who was controlling the music.

Logan's face was red with embarrassment and he mouthed "Sorry. It's on shuffle playlist."

I gave Logan a look, unsure of to be angry at him for ruining a perfect moment, or laughing because Logan had tango music in his playlist.

Allison got to her senses quicker. She took the rose and she stuck it between my teeth. I gave her a stare and she only rolled her eyes. She dragged me into the center of the crowd. Like that, we tango-ed away.

As I danced, I noticed that I was horrible at it. I'm pretty sure I stepped on her toes more than I should have.

She tipped-toed and whispered in my ear, "You're horrible at this."

I nodded my head, telling her that she didn't have to remind me. However, at least I had basketball skills to move my feet. Every dribble of a basketball is like a beat of music. Every fancy footwork I do in basketball is a dance move.

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