F i F t Y - T h r E e

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Bold is Ashton
Italics is Allison

What does your text pal do in her/his spare time?

She drives people (especially me) insane.

That's the worst answer ever!

Fine. What do u want me to write then?

1) I can't even drive yet. 2) I don't make you insane. You already are. 3) I actually have a life

WHOAH! 3 surprised me a lot!

Doin that eye rollin

She kills people's Sanity as a hobby.

That's a better answer.

Does your text pal enjoy going to her school?

*flips hair* hell to the no

I have some problems with that.

What now?!

1) you don't have any hair so DONT YOU DARE FLIP IT

2) your teach probably won't accept that answer

Awww Allison cares about my grades... for once

*rolls eyes* You're asking all the wrong questions. The questions is: does anybody enjoy going to school?


What's is your text pal's talent?

Annoying the living day lights outta people.

Correction: annoying Ashton's dark soul.

Annoying my dark soul.

Good boy Ash! Want a treat?

Do I have to?



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