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Sunday, June 2nd

"okay, shut the fuck up and listen to me, Hoseok," Yoongi groans.

"no, I cannot shut the fuck up right now!" hoseok says, throwing is hands in the air as he paces around the living room. he starts to bite on his thumb nail, but then yoongi stands to get hoseok's fingers away from his mouth. a bad habit that hoseok always manages to fall back into, especially when he's distressed. "so you're telling me—an entertainment company emailed you?"

"well duh," yoongi snarls, shrugging. hoseok squeaks a little when yoongi jumps back into his couch, rubbing his temples. "they kind of just scouted me? I guess,"

hoseok stops. "this is fucking huge," his eyes are wide, and he's looking at his hands like they've just done something magical. "this is fucking huge," he gapes, looking into yoongi's eyes.

"it's like you're the one that's been scouted," yoongi grunts, arm crossed. his leg is tapping nervously against the hardwood floor. "end of story. I got scouted. maybe I can get a spot as a producer in the company. rapper, maybe? who knows."

seokjin hums as he enters the living room with three cups of coffee. "woah, why does it feel so tense here..." he mumbles, eyes scanning the room to see a panicked hoseok and a nervous yoongi. he places the cups on the coffee table in front of yoongi, and when hoseok acknowledges his existence, he smiles for the first time today and immediately takes a sip of the coffee seokjin made.

"so, what about jimin?" hoseok says, placing the cup back on the table. yoongi's eyes flicker open, fingers clutched around his chin as if he's thinking. he is thinking. he's just thinking too much right now because everything is too overwhelming and he doesn't know just where to start. "he had a huge part in your mixtape, hyung,"

yoongi deflates when he remembers. BigHit had scouted jimin, too.

"oh shiiiiittt." Yoongi groans, fists curling in his hair.

"what? did they say anything about him?" Seokjin asks, nudging yoongi's mug lightly towards him because it's getting cold and it would be a waste. Yoongi gestures a later, before he takes a deep breath and his hands take form of a praying position.

"they want him to become an idol." Yoongi whispers, "said he has the potential to become one."

the room falls dead silent.

"fuck," Hoseok hisses, "i need a smoke."

Yoongi: so, uh, good news

Jimin: yes?

Yoongi: um

how do i say this


Jimin: don't rush urself

Yoongi: well u and i got scouted by BigHit

(attached email)




are you ok its been three minutes already why aren't u replying

Jimin: i

idk how to feel


exhaling a cloud of smoke, Yoongi feels a little calmer.

he dropped by jimin's place immediately after he sent those texts. rather, he barged in. Jimin wasn't expecting him at all—partly because Yoongi didn't give any indication that he would be coming over—but he's here now and thats okay.

the sun has already set, and the cool air brushes his face softly. he holds the cigarette between his two fingers, looking out into the busy streets of seoul with a strange feeling of peace. it's pretty serene. pretty gorgeous.

he hears the window slide open, and he finds Jimin in his peripheral vision, smile way too big and bright. he's like the sun. Jimin leans silently against the railing of his flat's balcony, gazing at the purple sky too, like Yoongi. taking a deep breath, he opens his mouth to say something.

"i didn't know you smoked." he says, not turning to meet yoongi's eyes.

Yoongi puffs out another cloud. "i do." he takes the cigarette and presses the butt against the cold metal in front, putting it out. he takes out a box of them from his pocket, grabbing two. he takes one in his mouth, and gestures the other towards Jimin.

"want a cig?" Yoongi asks, and Jimin shakes his head as a no. he doesn't seem like the type to smoke anyways (maybe Yoongi just wanted Jimin to look at him ((totally not))).

"thanks for asking," Jimin chuckles, his laugh a little breathless. he's smiling again, and it's the smile where his small dimples appear. Yoongi feels something heat in the pool of his stomach. not butterflies. not exactly flowers. yoongi's thoughts are interrupted as he puts the cigarette back in the box, but Jimin snatches it away, placing it between his plush lips. it catches Yoongi off guard. "i'm not going to light it." Jimin says.

"oh," Yoongi gapes, stuffing the box back in his pocket. "i need to light mine, though."

Jimin pats Yoongi on the back before the window slides again and jimin's gone. probably going to get Yoongi a lighter. probably.

then, he's left with his thoughts. truthfully, the only things that are on his mind now is that email from BigHit and weird, blossoming feelings that are being made in his heart. kind of hurts. kind of makes him want to sit down for a little. but he's trying to control it.

Jimin comes back with said lighter in his hands, smiling. he stands there a little, playing with it, trying to ignite the fire. when he's got it, he walks closer towards Yoongi, and Yoongi sticks his cig from his mouth, lips jutting out, like he's pouting.

for a moment, Yoongi realizes he doesn't feel the smoke get to him.

for a moment, he realizes the same feeling he felt before.

jimin's too close to his face right now. eyes closed, lashes falling prettily on his flushed cheeks, looking fucking ethereal. Yoongi can feel jimin's nose prod at his cheek, and his warm, soft lips on his.

they stay like that—and it feels like forever for Yoongi—until Jimin breaks away.

it catches Yoongi off guard. again.

"i just wanted to try," Jimin mutters, voice barely audible. "just wanted to try." he repeats himself, hand grabbing yoongi's, intertwining their fingers like they were made to be there—and they stay like that. jimin's blushing from ears to cheeks to the dip of his collarbone and he just looks so, so— Yoongi can't find the words; like he can't find the right words for his songs, the right lyrics.

his fingers graze at his lips absentmindedly, eyes still locked on Jimin. they're looking right at each other and in every other situation it would be awkward but right now it's nothing like that.

and for the first time in forever—it's like the clock on yoongi's body begins to tick, moving forward, because it's been stuck in the same position since.

June 2nd, 2016.



the day i fell for you.

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