Too Much For Too Long (Luke Centric)

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It was all going well. The electric shock collar challenge was going down. No one had lasted very long so far. Then it was Luke's turn. 20 second. 30. 40. 50. 1 minute 39 second. If he hadn't have been pushed then who knows how long he could have lasted. Everyone was cheering and congratulating him. Only Jai noticed how Luke's smile wasn't really reaching his eyes and how his skin had turned quite pale. Jai walked up to him and said,

"Hey, you alright?" He asked looking concerned.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, great" he smiled back.

"Alright" Jai replied rubbing Luke's arm.

Not too long after, Jai noticed Luke breathing heavily in the corner, gripping onto the table.

"Luke what's wrong?"

"Nothing Jai, I'm fine, just a bit dizzy that's all"

Jai noticed his knuckles turning white he was holding on that hard.

"I'm going to go and get Beau, you're not fine"

"Wait! Don't Jai, I'm alright honestly. Just too much sun probably"

"If you feel ill promise you'll tell me" Jai said unhappily.

"Yeah yeah I promise. Don't worry bro"

Luke knew he shouldn't have lied to Jai and told him he was fine when he clearly wasn't. He just didn't want to cause a scene and be seen as weak. Black dots entered his vision and he tried to blink them away. His head started spinning and sweat started to trickle down his back. His legs felt like jelly and he felt like he was going to pass out any minute.

"Jai" he called out weakly.

Jai spun around and ran towards Luke as he saw what was happening. He reached there just in time to catch Luke as he collapsed to the ground. Jai lowered himself to the floor, holding his twin in his arms.

"Beau! BEAU!" Jai cried.

"What?" Beau replied, not looking at Jai.

"Beau please! Quick!" Jai pleaded.

Beau turned around and gasped as he saw what was happening. He ran towards his two younger brothers and knelt down.

"Luke? Luke!" He shouted, shaking the younger boy. No reply.

"What happened Jai?"

"He-he said he was fine. Then he called me and-and said my name then I caught him"

"Shit" Beau cursed under his breath.

"Come on Luke, wake up. Someone get him some water!" Beau ordered, taking control.

Jai was panicking.

"Why isn't he waking up! Oh my god"

"Jai calm down" Beau said to the other twin, noticing how Jai was still holding Luke close to him.

Beau tapped Luke's cheek a few times and was relieved when he heard a slight moan. Luke's eyes fluttered open and he mumbled, "W-what?"

"Luke!" Jai cried happily, eyes lighting up at the sight.

"Good to have you back bro" Beau said smiling.

"What happened?"

"Shh, take it easy a minute"

Jai helped Luke to sit up against him, and Beau gave him a bottle of water to sip.

"What happened? Why am I on the floor?"

"You passed out Luke. You scared me! Don't ever do that again!" Jai mumbled.

"Why didn't you say you felt like that Luke?" Beau asked.

"Didn't want to cause a scene and be weak"

"Luke, you last over a minute and a half up there. We all lasted about 20 seconds. You're not weak at all. Anyway your health is so much more important"

"I'm sorry" Luke said softly, head down.

"Don't be, just don't do it again, you scared us" Beau said gently. "Come on then, let's get you to bed, you can rest properly"

Luke tried to stand on his own, but failed as he almost fell down again if Jai hasn't caught him.

"Whoah Luke, stop. I'll help"

Luke rested his head against Jai's and his twin wrapped his arm around Luke's waist. They walked back to the house and took Luke upstairs. They put him to bed and told him to rest.

"Will you stay?" Luke said.

"Sure" Beau replied.

Jai crawled into bed next to Luke and laid next to him. Luke snuggled into Jai's chest and sighed happily. Beau sat next to them and smiled to himself. Soon, both boys had fallen asleep and Beau stood up quietly. He was glad they had each other, to make sure each one was ok. And he knew he would always look out for his little brothers. Always.

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