Breakdown (Luke Centric)

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It was time to do the red chilli pepper challenge. Everyone was dreading it. First up was Beau, who was sick again. Then Jai, who spat it out and James who managed it. Last up was Luke. He put them all in at once. They told him to do it individually. He was singing scar tissue and was doing fine, until he got into the song and he couldn't sing anymore. The boys told him to carry on so he did. He rested his foot on a tire and carried on. He started singing but then stopped as he gasped for breath and coughed. Jai knew he had had enough and he wrapped his arms around Luke's shoulders and pulled him down. Jai and Beau took him to sit in the couch when Luke asked, "What's happening?"

They sat him down and Luke continued to sing whilst James poured water on his head. Jai stood in front of his twin and said "You don't have to sing anymore. You're going to hurt yourself. Just relax" Jai was worried for his brother who seemed to have gone delusional. Luke looked up to the camera and said "You're not my father"

This hit a sensitive point for the three Brooks boys because their dad left them when they were little.

"No Luke that's not dad" Jai said softly.

"No, because our dad didn't care. He didn't give a shit about us"

"Luke-" Beau tried to say.

"He left us. He just went. How could he? I mean I get that I wasn't good enough, but what did Jai and Beau do wrong? I tried so hard to make him proud then he went" Luke said angrily.

"Luke, you don't know what you're saying" Beau said gently, wishing for his brother to be ok.

"But I do know. He-he left. And didn't come back. I asked him to. I wrote letters, I rung but nothing. Why wasn't I good enough? Why am I not good enough for him now? Why aren't I good enough for anyone?" Luke cried, tears slipping down his cheeks.

"I cried every night! You said it would be fine Beau, but it wasn't! I still miss him. Why doesn't everyone else just go too? Everyone will be better of without me" he screamed, pulling his hair.

"Luke Luke, stop. You're hysterical" Beau said.

"You'll be fine Luke. We don't need him in our lives. We're better without him" Jai said, rubbing Luke's leg soothingly.

"But how long before you all get sick of me and leave me too?"

"We would never leave Lukey" Beau said.

"We couldn't go without you, you're our brother. I promise I'll never leave" Jai crossed his heart.

"But dad promised never to leave us. Maybe you'll do the same thing?"


"No way"

"You're my twin. My other half. Anywhere I go, you come with me. I swear"

"You'll move on"

"Not without you. Remember our pact when we were little? Brothers first. No one comes before family. No one"

"That goes for me too bro. You're my little brother. You'll two will always be the most important things in my life ok? And don't ever doubt it for a second" Beau said.

"I'm sorry" Luke mumbled, head falling down.

"Don't be" Jai smile leaning in for a hug. Luke rested his head in the crook of Jai's neck and wrapped his arm around Jai's waist. Beau joined the hug and the three of them sat on the couch, holding on to each other.

Beau thought about it. They had never really spoken about their dad leaving. They were all too little to understand and then as they grew older, it caused too much pain. But when he saw his little brother break down, he knew he had to be strong. Luke was vulnerable and needed help to understand that he wasn't alone and he had people who love him. And Beau and Jai were going to do just that. Look after him.

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