Downhill Gone Wrong (Jai Centric)

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Prompt - can you do onewhere they r doinh the downhill chair dunk challenge but Jai gets the highest and Beau and Luke forbid him to do it, but he does it anyways and get hurt and Beau and Luke get really angry at him cos he didn't listen to them, but they soften up when Jai's crying cos of the pain and he aöso apologizes so they r still mad but they take care of him and make him feel better?


It was no secret that Jai was treated like the baby by all the boys. Even James, although Jai was older. Despite the 2 minute age gap between him and Luke, Luke made it seem like years. This point was proven when the Janoskians were doing the downhill chair dunk challenge.

Luke had gone first. He got 1. Everyone else had gone. Then Jai pulled his out. Of course he got 5.

"No way" Beau said.

"What do you mean?" Jai asked confused.

"No way are you doing that" Beau replied.

"What? Why not!" Jai shouted.

"It's too high! It's too dangerous"

"I agree Jai, it's too far" Luke added.

"That's not fair. If anyone else would have got it, you would have let them do it"


"Yes you would. I can handle it"

"No Jai, it's too dangerous" Beau said, forbidding Jai from doing the challenge.

Whilst everyone else was busy, Jai sneaker up the ramp and to the top level.

"I don't care what they say. I can do this" he muttered under his breath.

"Jai! What the hell are you doing?!" Beau shouted from the bottom.

"Get down!" Luke shouted.

"Watch out! I'm coming down!" Jai shouted.

"Jai, no!"

It all happened in slow motion. Jai flew down the slope on his chair, but suddenly it stopped. Jai was flung off of the seat and was flying through the air. He landed hard on the ground and he moaned in pain.

"Jai! Oh my god!" He heard someone scream.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Beau asked, kneeling besides Jai.

"H-hurts" Jai whispered.

"Where does it hurt?" Luke asked, grabbing Jai's hand.

"Arm and l-leg"

"You'll be fine, don't worry" Luke said, trying to reassure him.

Jai couldn't help but let tears flow down his cheeks. He was in so much pain.

"What the hell where you thinking? You bloody idiot! Look what happened!" Beau shouted angrily.

"I didn't mean to-"

"No! I told you not to do it for a reason! You got injured! Why were you so stupid?!"

"I'm sorry Beau, I just wanted to show I could do it" Jai mumbled, crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to shout" Beau said, softly this time.

"I couldn't bear it if you got hurt Jai Jai" Luke whispered, squeezing Jai's hand.

"Can you walk?" Beau asked.

"I think so"


"Am I forgiven?" Jai asked hopefully.

"Oh no. No way. For now, you're fine, but as soon as you are better, you better have some decent answers" Beau said, before ruffling his hair.

Jai would just have to get used to being protected, because nothing would stop his brothers and friends, protecting him.

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