You're Still Grounded (Jai Centric)

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Prompt - could you do one where Jai and Luke are supposed to go to a party, but then Luke gets sick and Beau doesn't want Jai to go on his own and forbids him to go, but Jai goes anyway and Beau notices and gets really angry so he drives to the portend gets Jai, but Jai is really drunk and the next morning Beau like yells at him for not listening to him and stuff and grounds him and Jai gets really pissed cos Beau is acting like he's his dad? thank you, love you xxxxx


It was going to be the party of the year. Everyone was going. All of Luke and Jai's friends were going. The boys were counting down the weeks until it happened. On the date of the party, Luke got sick. He was dizzy and had a fever. He tried to argue he was fine, but Beau wouldn't have it.

"If you can make it the end of the room without falling over, then you can go" Beau said to Luke.

Luke attempted it. He got halfway before he felt his knees buckle. Jai rushed in to catch him before he hit the floor. Luke was sweating already.

"Right that's it Luke. You're not going"

"Please" Luke whined, trying to stand.

"No Luke, you're sick"

"He's right Luke. You can't even stand on your own" Jai said softly.

"That means you're not going Jai"

"Wait, what!?" Jai shouted.

"That's not fair on him Beau. It's not his fault I'm sick"

"I don't care. You're not going on your own Jai"

"But Beau-"

"No means no Jai. Now take Luke to bed and I'll bring up some tablets"

Jai muttered under his breath as he helped Luke to his room. He put Luke to bed.

"I'm sorry Jai. I didn't mean to ruin your night" Luke said sadly, fiddling with his hands.

"Hey hey, it's not your fault. I don't blame you"

"But now you can't go because of me!"

"Oh you wait, I can still make it on time" Jai said winking.

Later that night, Jai climbed out his window. He landed on the floor and ran as fast as he could. He managed to make it on time and without being caught. He partied all night and had a good time.

"Jai! Come help me!" Beau shouted.

"Jai! Jai!" Beau walked upstairs to find his brother. He checked Jai's room. No one there. He checked all the other rooms and Luke last. He looked in and saw Luke sleeping, head rested in the crook of his arm. He smiled and left the room. Beau checked Jai's wardrobe and saw his jacket gone. He checked and found his phone and wallet missing too.

"That bloody idiot!" Beau said angrily, storming out of the house.

Beau pulled up at the party venue and sighed. It was going to take hours to find Jai in this place. After 20 minutes of searching, he found Jai by the bar, gulping back shots. He stormed over and grabbed his arm.

"You're coming with me"

"Beau! So glad you could come!" Jai slurred.

"You're drunk Jai"

"No I'm not, just a little tipsy" he said laughing.

"Come on" Beau said, dragging Jai away.

Beau helped Jai into the car then jumped in the other side. He started the car and was about to lecture Jai when he turned his head. Jai was passed out in the seat. Beau shook his head and carried on driving home.

The next day, Jai woke with a pounding headache. What happened? Oh yeah he went to the party. Wait, how did he get home?

"Oh no!" He said to himself.

"Oh yes" Beau said walking into the room.


"I told you not to go, and you did. You deliberately ignored me! I said not to go on your own, but you did exactly that!"

"God Beau!"

"Don't 'God Beau' me! Anything could have happened and someone wouldn't have been there! It's a good job I arrived when I did because you were completely off your face!"

"I just went to a party!"

"That's it, you're grounded. I can't trust you"

"What the hell! No! You're not my dad!"

"No I'm not. But I had to act like it because ours left! I've always looked after you two! I couldn't bear you to get hurt!"

"Look Beau, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I know what you've done for me and Luke and I'm sorry"

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard on you" Beau sighed, pulling Jai in for a hug.

"Am I still grounded?" Jai asked, looking up at Beau.

"Yes Jai. Yes you are"

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