I Just Needed To Know (Luke and Beau Centric)

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Prompt - one where Luke thinks Beau likes Jai better and does something really stupid to get Beau's attention, but it ends up in Beau getting really angry at Luke for putting himself in danger, though when he finds out why luke did he softens up a bit but he's still mad at him, brotherly fluff? Thanks


In families, there's always that nagging feeling that someone else is liked better. She prefers mum to dad. Dad prefers her to me. It's the same in every family. In Luke's case, it was who his older brother preferred. Him or his twin. His whole life, he had to live with people having the favourite twin. Sometimes it was him, sometimes it was Jai. But Beau, he never seemed to have a favourite. That is until recently. Luke had started feeling that Jai had become Beau's favourite. He did more stuff with him, in challenges they were all together and Jai had always sat next to Luke wherever they went, now he sat with Beau. It was all building up in Luke's mind.

One day, Luke decided that he would make Beau notice him. He would get his attention. He decided to jump off the roof and do a flip into the pool. That would get his attention for sure. Luke climbed up to the top of the roof and rang Beau on his phone.


"Beau, come take a look at this"

"What are you doing?"

"Just come outside"

Beau walked out of the house, looking confused until he looked up.

"Luke! Get down from there!"

"I can't hear you!" Luke shouted back.

"Get down!"


"It's dangerous!"

"Don't be silly" Luke replied.

"Luke Brooks, I'm serious! Get your ass down here now!"

"Move out the way!" Luke shouted as he prepared to jump off.

"Luke no!"

Luke took a step forward and jumped. He span in the air, landed with a splash in the pool. Luckily, he didn't injure himself and missed hitting his head by an inch. Luke came up from underwater and took a breath. He shook his head and looked around to find Beau. He was met with an angry stare. He had ever seen his older brother look so mad.

"Get out of the pool now" Beau demanded, his eyes never leaving Luke's. Luke scrambled out of the pool and walked over to him.

"Would you care to explain what you though you were doing?"

"I- I was-"

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!"

"I'm sorry but-"

"What could cause you to be so STUPID!"

"You! That's what caused it! I wanted some attention. I know Jai is your favourite but I wanted you to notice me! I know he's better, but I thought if I did this then you'd notice me" Luke shouted back, his voice trailing off at the end to become a whisper.

"Oh Luke. How could you think that?" Beau said, his tone softening.

"Because you always spend more time with Jai and I know he's the youngest but I just wanted to be noticed. I know it's stupid" he mumbled.

"No Lukey. It's not stupid. I honestly had no idea you felt like this. If I had, I never would have made you feel like that. I didn't know you felt left out and I certainly never meant to leave you out, I just needed to know. I'm so sorry"

"So you do notice me?" Luke whispered, looking up through his eyelashes.

"Of course, you're my little brother" beau said, pulling Luke into his arms. He hugged him tightly and wiped the tears falling out of Luke's eyes.

"I understand now Luke, but that doesn't mean what you did wasn't stupid. It was. It was dangerous. You were an inch away from smashing your head on the side of the pool. Imagine if you had slipped!"

"I know. I'll never do it again"

"Too right you won't"

"Thank you Beau"

"No problem Lukey. Now let's go inside and do whatever you want"

"Watch a film?"

"Sure thing bro, sure thing"

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