You Have To Tell Us (Luke Centric)

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Prompt - do one where Luke gets sick during a challenge, like he feels really dizzy and stuff, but doesn't tell anyone and ends up passing out?  The boys are all really worried, especially Jai, but they r also angry with him cos he never tells them when he isn't feeling well? please?


Luke wasn't feeling great. He was sweating and his stomach was churning. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep and hide in bed all day. But no. Jai had to come in and get him up.

"Come on Luke, we're doing a video in a minute"

"Ok, ok I'll be down in a minute" Luke said, shielding his eyes from the light. Now he felt terrible. He got a headache as well. Great. He got dressed as quickly as he could and trudged downstairs.

"At last he awakens" Beau cried.

"Never thought I'd see you again. Been so long" Daniel joked.

"Haha you're funny. What are we doing?"

"We are doing... Blended Big Mac meal!"

"Great" Luke said, realising he would have to stomach the food.

"Why aren't you excited Lukey? Worried you won't win?" Beau asked.

"Don't you worry. I'm gonna kick your ass like I do every time" Luke replied, trying to act like he was fine.

"Hey guys, we're Dare Sunday's, and today is Blended Thursday's" They all said together. The guys blended the meal while Luke filmed. He could feel his stomach churning at the sight of it. Daniel and Beau had already been sick, before they even drunk any. Luke could feel a cold sweat down his back. He was far away from fine and he knew it, he just wouldn't admit it to anyone. He took one look at the cup filled with liquid, and put it towards his mouth. He shivered and looked to see if a window was open. He had suddenly turned really cold. Luke took a sip and slammed the cup back down. He could feel it slipping down his throat. The slimy texture. Luke gagged and tried not to be sick. All of a sudden, black dots danced across his vision. The world started to spin and he stumbled. He grabbed onto the table and leant forward.

"Hey Luke? What's up?" Jai asked, looking concerned after seeing how white Luke's knuckles were where he was gripping the table.

"I'm fine, absolutely-" Luke didn't finish his sentence before he felt himself falling and his vision went black.

"Shit! Luke!" Jai cried, holding his twin in his arms. Luke had passed out in his arms. Jai lowered him to the floor. Beau and Daniel sat besides them.

"Hey hey Lukey, wake up. Come on, open your eyes" Beau said, tapping his cheeks. Luke didn't wake.

"Daniel, get that bottle of water, now!" Beau demanded. Daniel passed it to him and Beau poured a little onto Luke's face. Luke's eyes fluttered open and he let out a groan.

"Thank god you're ok Luke! I thought you were in trouble and then I thought that you were going to like-"

"What-what happened?" Luke asked, looking around confused.

"You collapsed bro, you're sick"

"No I'm not!" Luke said stubbornly.

"Sure" Beau said. He rested the back of his hand against Luke's head and pulled it back in shock.

"God Luke! You're boiling! You've got a temperature!"

"I'm fine, just open a window" Luke mumbled, eyes fluttering closed.

"Luke, Lukey stay with me ok" Jai said, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.

"But it's cold. Why are you not cold?" Luke said, not sure of what he was saying.

"He needs to go to bed" Beau said. Jai nodded and pulled Luke up to stand. He stumbled as he felt the world spin again.

"Whoah whoah, take it slow buddy" Daniel said softly. All three of them managed to get Luke to bed and some medicine down him. Jai slept besides him the whole night, and Beau sat there, changing the wet cloth on Luke's head every so often.

Luke woke up to 3 worried faces around him.

"I'm fine now, you didn't have to stay" Luke whispered, his voice scratchy.

"Yeah you looked absolutely fine when you were passing out yesterday" Beau said, frowning at his younger brother.

"I was just-"

"Stop making excuses Luke! Everyone gets sick and you've got to start telling people about it! You could have been on your own. Then who would have caught you? It could have been worse. Your temperature might not have gone down. You could have-"

"I'm sorry ok. I thought I was fine"

"Don't do that again, you idiot. I was scared" Jai said, his tone serious.

"Sorry Jai, I didn't mean to"

"It's fine, as long as you remember for next time"

"I will"

"Good, now go to sleep Lukey, you'll be better soon. But remember, next time you have to tell us" Beau said softly, watching as Luke drifted into unconsciousness.

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