Everyone Fights

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can you please do a one shot where Jai, Luke and James r still in school but already live with Beau and Daniel in a house and like they get into a fight with each other in school, and Beau and Daniel get really angry at them and yell and stuff? oh pretty please 💗💗💗



"Hello, is this Mr Brooks?"

"Yes, who's asking?" Beau replied, speaking into the telephone.

"It's Penola College"

"Oh right, what's up?"

"It's Jai and Luke"

Beau felt his heart drop.

"What's wrong? Are they alright?"

"They've been involved in a fight and I need you to come in and pick them up please"

"What! Who did it? Who were they fighting with"

"Each other and another student named James Yammouni, who I believe also lives with you?"

"Yes he does. I'll be there soon" Beau slammed the phone down and shouted out to Daniel.

"Oi, Skip! We're going out!"

"What the hell, I'm busy Beau"

"Not now you're not"

"What's up man?"

"Let's just say, I might need your help to make sure my brothers are still alive by the time we get back" Beau said, marching out the door.

Jai, Luke and James were sat in the office at school. Neither one of them was looking at each other. Jai was holding a tissue to his nose, Luke held an ice pack to his head and James had a bandage around his wrist. Beau opened the door and stormed in. All three boys looked up, their eyes widening when they saw how mad the older boy was.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Beau shouted.

No one replied.

"There better be a damn good reason why you were fighting"

"They started it" James muttered.

"You're so childish! Why did you feel the need to fight?"

"Luke shoved me over" Jai said.

"He took the mick out of me!" Luke replied, glaring at his twin.

"Who started it?" Daniel asked, walking out from besides Beau.

"Luke did the first hit"

"Luke? How many times have I told you! You need to manage your short temper!"

"Why did you hit Jai, Luke?"

"Because he was annoying me"

"What did he do" Beau sighed.

"I was stressed out because of my test and then he started taking the mick out of my photos!"

"Jai, that was unnecessary, but Luke, don't take things so personally!" Beau said.

"James? What did you have to do with this?" Skip asked.

"I tried to split it up but then Jai hit me so I hit Luke, thinking it was Jai because I was angry, and then we all just started"

"You're all so stupid!" Beau cried, sitting down.

"Get over yourselves" Daniel said, sitting beside Beau.

"You guys have more important things to worry about than punching each other"

"Just say sorry" Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders.

Jai and Luke looked at each other, and said sorry at the same time.

"Sorry guys" James said.

"It's fine" Luke said.

"Now, let's all go home and sort you lot out. You look terrible" Beau laughed, putting his arms around his brothers shoulders. Daniel went over to James and did the same. All five boys walked out together and went home. Everyone fights, but they always make up after, because it wouldn't be any fun living together otherwise!

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