Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


"More hunters," She managed in between breaths, "they're bringing in more hunters to completely wipe you guys out." 

Looking down, I processed the information before looking back up to her shimmering brown eyes, "I think you should come inside." 

She followed me in and we only made it to the bottom of the steps when Lily popped into the hallway from the kitchen, coming to a stop as she saw Hailey behind me. Eyebrows furrowed, she looked at me, "What's going on? Why is she here?" 

"She can speak for herself," Hailey piped up. "And Lily, I want to say I'm sorry. And also, I want you to know that the friendship between us wasn't fake to me." 

Lily stiffened, "And to me you weren't a hunter." 

With that, she strutted out of the room and Hailey beside me sighed. Turning back, I met eyes with her and she gave me a small smile. Turning back, I made my way up the steps and she once again followed me, all the way down the hall to my office, where Luke, Josh and my pack warrior leader Isaiah stood huddled around the desk. I cleared my throat and they all spun around, Luke's eyes narrowing into slits as he drank in the sight of Hailey. 

"What the hell is she doing here?" He spat and I growled reflexively in response. Stupid damn mate bond. 

Are you sure that the bond is the only reason? My wolf murmured and my eye twitched once. 

She took a step towards him but I stopped her by throwing my arm out in front of her, "Hailey is here to help give us more information about the hunters." 

"Why would you do that? You want us dead. You are a hunter," Josh challenged. 

Hailey shook her head as a pained expression covered her face, "I-I don't want to be anymore. It's wrong, killing your kind in cold blood. I mean, after being here, I've realized that you're human too." 

"Sounds like a rehearsed speech to me," Isaiah snarled and I shot him a pointed look as he took a step forward, fists clenched. 

She rolled her eyes, "So you think that I would run all the way here, tell Chase a lie to get me in for what? A distraction while the rest of the hunters attack everyone else and leave me to take care of everyone here?" I stiffened as she said this; it was a perfectly plausible plan. "Because that's not what's happening here. Believe it or not, I actually care for some people here and would rather not see their heads separated from their bodies." 

"I find that hard to believe," Luke shot at her. 

"Listen," I interrupted, trying to prevent things from getting even more heated, "Either way, Hailey has some information that can help us that I'm sure she is more than willing to share. Right?" 

She gave me a side glance before nodding, "Yeah, of course." 

I sat down in my chair and everyone followed suit, leaving Hailey standing. She cleared her throat, "Well, um, first thing's first-- they're bringing in more hunters. A lot more. From what I've gathered, they're bringing in every available team. The boss really wants all of you dead for some reason." 

"I'm sorry-- the boss?" Josh questioned, and I nodded, agreeing with it. What the hell was she talking about? 

"Right, you wouldn't know about-- well, anyways, the boss is the guy who signs our checks. He's the one who decides where we go, when we go, when we start hunting. He's the boss because he's in charge of everyone." She stated, then continued, "Hunters, we're like a business or a company. We follow orders from our higher ups, like managers. And the boss, he's the general manager or the owner, even. He is in charge of it all and without him, there is no hunter organization. But, he is a bit of a ghost; a legend if you will. No one's ever really seen him or met him, only spoken of him." 

Luke rolled his eyes, "Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me." 

"That's probably you listening to yourself," She shot at him before digging right back into her briefing, "The hunters will wait it out for at least another week to gather everyone, stake out the area and lull you into a false sense of security and safety. It's typical. And then, with numbers as big as this, they'll probably launch two major attacks. The first will probably just be meant to hurt you more than anything and corral you all into just one or two locations. Then they'll swoop in for the kill to end it all." 

"Pleasant," Luke grunted, a scowl on his face. 

She shrugged, "Never said we were nice." 

"You said hunters have already started showing up. How many? And how many more can we expect? How long do we have?" I asked. 

With a sigh, Hailey sat down, "I wish I knew. Today one team showed up, which means there are five new hunters in town. I don't know how many more we can expect, but it's sure to be around 100 hunters here." 

"And if you're all hidden in trees without a scent and heavily armed.." I trailed off. 

" won't stand a chance," She finished for me. 

"So what do we do?" Josh asked. "I mean, if we can't smell them or see them hidden in the trees, then how the hell do we fight them?" 

"You train," Hailey answered for me. "You can learn the smell of the masking spray. It's not perfect, it leaves a trace of the chemicals used in it. And don't let yourself get lured into anywhere where you're not on the high ground. Hunters love their high ground." 

Luke was still scowling at Hailey as he spoke, "And how do you propose we learn the scent of something that we don't have?" 

"I'll help you," She stated with fierce determination. "Starting now." 

Hailey looked up to me, the question in her eyes and I understood as if I was reading it off of a page in a book, the words bolded and printed in an extra large font. 

Do you trust me now? 

Swallowing the small lump that had begun forming in my throat, I nodded once, "Alright. Call a pack meeting. We have a lot to go over." 

The three left the room immediately, leaving Hailey and I alone. Finally, I addressed the elephant in the room, "Why are you helping me? Helping us?" 

"I told you already," She responded, standing up and making her way to the door, "I care about some people here. And you just so happen to be one of them." 


a/n: How'dy lol so here I am after like a month but I mean school started and everything is so busy so updates will be periodic from now on! (not like they're ever constant anyways tho amirite)

QOTC: What do you think will happen between Hailey and Chase from here?

AOTC: I already know so I'm not sayin just yet ;)     

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