Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Chase's P.O.V

Pushing myself further, I finished my 251st push up, before rolling over on my back, taking in deep breaths. A shadow passed over me and I looked up to see my Beta, Luke standing next to me with an outstretched hand. He was completely drenched in sweat, as was I, so I took his hand and let him help me to my feet.


"Give yourself a break, we have school in twenty minutes," He tells me and I nod. We parted ways and I took a shower, relaxing my my muscles and rinsing the sweat off of me. Stepping out, I wasn't sure what possessed me to dress nicely in a casual blue button down with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows and nice dark jeans, but I put them on nonetheless and tousled my hair, purposely messing it up a little bit.


Jogging down the steps, I found Lily, my sister, and Luke waiting for me. My sister raised an eyebrow at me, looking me up and down.


I mocked her facial expression, "Can I help you?"


"Just wondering why you decided to dress up," She shrugs, pursing her lips.


Rolling my eyes, I shouldered my book bag, "Okay, sure. Let's get going."


"Sure," Lily pipes, dropping off of her stool and skipping out the front door. I'm about to follow her but Luke stops me.


"Have you heard from Alpha Jake? Last we heard he had a hunter problem, have you heard from him?" He questions.


I shake my head, furrowing my eyebrows at the mention of the Alpha from Michigan, "No, I haven't heard from him. You go out with Lily and I'll give him a call."


He nodded, "Alright."


Walking to my office, I looked up Alpha Jake's pack house number and dialed, waiting for someone to pick up. It rang probably ten times before it went to voicemail. Waiting for the tone, I left a message, "Alpha Jake, it's Alpha Chase from the Black Fire Pack, I'm just checking up with the Hunter problem. Give me a call when you can. Alright, thanks and have a good day."


Hanging up, I made my way to the car, sliding into the driver's seat to find Lily glaring at Luke who was sitting in the passenger seat, my twin sister sitting in the middle of the back seat.


I gave them a questioning look, "And what's going on in here?"


"Luke kicked me out of the front seat!" She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.


Honestly, if Luke wasn't my Beta and Lily wasn't my sister, I'd say that they would be cute mates. His birthday is in a month or two, so I guess we'll find out then, but he's a player and she's a die hard helpless romantic-- I'm just really not sure about them.


Turning to Luke, I gave him a 'really' look before addressing Lily, "That sucks, Lil."

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