Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


After the odd occurrence at lunch, by which I mean the strange attraction that I had towards the tall, built, curly brown-haired, blue-eyed, hunk of a guy.

Shaking the thought out of my head, I shivered in disgust at the thoughts that were unwillingly running around my head. Lily, who I had found out was Chase's twin sister, shook her head in disdain at the empty seat in front of her as we sat in Chemistry.

"Chase has once again skipped class," She muttered, folding her arms over her chest.

Just hearing his name made me feel all tingly inside.

Mentally groaning, I lowered my head onto my desk; what the hell is getting into me? I'm Hailey Argent, badass hunter known as Artemis for fucks sake! I shouldn't be feeling about this for a boy, especially not a werewolf! I mean, I didn't have any confirmation that he was one, but it was kind of obvious with his build and his sister, Lily, has got to be a werewolf. The way she talks? Oh yeah.

Finally, after a miserable and useless afternoon filled with Chemistry, Calculus and History, I was free to go home.

I sped out of the school, itching to get out of this dress and into some more comfortable clothes-- specifically my leather hunting gear. When I got back to the quaint yellow house, I found it to be empty, a white post it note sticking to the fridge-- of course David knew that it would be the first place I went to. I grabbed a water bottle and sipped from it, making my way up the stairs and into my room.

Slowly, I stripped out of my clothes, muscles still tense from my jet-lag. I made my way into my closet and smiled. The house was well prepared for David and I, it had a hidden door in the closet where I kept my personal hunting gear and weapons.

Pulling the leather jacket and pants from the hanger, I pulled them on, a soft smile making its way onto my face at the familiar comfort. But as I gained comfort, Chase's face flashed in my mind and I was suddenly feeling nervous and giddy again. Groaning, I made my way to the bathroom, pulling my hair to the side and fashioned it into a simple side braid.

I then went back to the closet, picking up the bottle camouflaged to look like perfume, when in reality it was scent-masking spray. Coating myself in it, I placed it back on the shelf when I was done with it.

Slipping on my black hunting boots, I wiggled my toes in them, the feeling giving me a sense of being home.

Picking up my bow and quiver filled with arrows, I slung them both over my shoulder, holstering my gun to my side and an array of knives were tucked away, safely concealed. With one more spritz of the scent-masking spray, I made my way outside, double checking to make sure there was no one around to see me.

I sprinted into the foliage, allowing it to conceal me and made my trek deeper into the woods, all the while doing my best to maintain my sense of direction. It wasn't my plan to hunt anyone today, just to scout the land and get my bearings around here. I knew Michigan so well; I was born and raised there. But Michael said that "the boss" needed us in California, so here we are. I frowned at the thought of "the boss". No one knows exactly who he is other than Michael and a few other inside hunters.

All that we are told is that he's the top hunter around and pays the bills and signs our paychecks.

I found myself in a clearing and looked up, the sun directly above me. It was perfectly aligned and I figured in about ten minutes it would be once again unaligned. The wind seemed to swirl in every direction in the clearing and the trees surrounding me all had such beautiful, vibrant green leaves hanging from them.

The sound of twigs cracking and leaves rustling brought me out of my the-beauty-of-nature-instilled trance and I whirled around, coming to face a gray wolf. She seemed just a little smaller than an average werewolf, but with her weaker snarl, I could tell she was the Omega-- the weakest member of the pack.

I swore, "Shit."

She jumped at me and I dove out of the way, hissing in pain as her claws scraped my arm. The same arm that that damn Alpha in Michigan cut-- and she ruined my jacket. Glancing down, I saw it shredded and my wound reopened.

The she-wolf wasted no time and charged again. Pulling a knife, all I could do was slice her snout with the pure silver blade, but it was enough to make her howl and stagger back in surprise.

Cursing that she had howled, I quickly got my bow and strung an arrow, pulling back and releasing within a few seconds. She collapsed to the ground when the silver arrowhead hit her, lodging itself in her stomach. Nodding to myself in approval at my own work, I froze as I heard someone approaching-- no, something. I could make out four paws which meant another werewolf.

Turning, I scrambled up one of the trees, my bow back over my shoulder. Taking a look at my wound, I prayed no blood got on the ground while I was down there and wrapped it with cloth that was already sprayed to be scent-less.

Sure enough, a large, black wolf showed up and suddenly I felt as though I had to jump down from the high branch I was perched on and love that wolf as opposed to loathing it. Shaking the thought from my head, I took in the appearance of the wolf; it was masculine, definitely a man and his size, well, he was the biggest wolf I've ever seen. He was, no doubt, the Alpha.

I scrunched my nose as I watched his bones snap and morph and he was back in his human body, in all of his naked glory and I nearly found myself drooling.

He howled at the sight of her dead body, hurt by the loss of a pack member. They were like family to each other. I killed families of wolves all the time, but it wasn't like it affected me. They killed my family. I'm just returning the favor.

Snapping myself out of my dark thoughts, I looked back down to the Alpha, to Chase. He knelt down by her side, pulling the arrow out of her, hissing as the silver met his skin. Minutes later, Luke, one of the boys I had sat with at lunch, Chase's best friend, showed up, handing him a pair of shorts.

He must be the Beta.

"Hunters?" He asked Chase, who only nodded. After a lengthy pause, Luke spoke again, "I can't catch a scent. Can you?"

"No," Hayden growled fiercely, "but when we find him, I'm going to rip his throat out with my teeth."

He turned and walked away, leaving Luke to frown down at the corpse of the Omega. I smirked in accomplishment; they couldn't catch a scent, couldn't even sense me watching them from the trees. I wasn't the most humble hunter out there. Although I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the male pronouns.

Werewolves and their assumptions that all werewolf hunters are men. Well, I guess that's right except for me. Well, there was my mom, but she's dead. They killed her. So now it's just me, and I'm going to kill every last one of them, just like I did in Michigan.

So long as these strange emotions towards Chase don't get in my way. I assured myself they wouldn't, that I've trained too hard. But as I crept back to the house, hidden in the shadows, I couldn't help but feel the first bit of doubt I've felt in three years.

a/n: so I wrote this when I as supposed to be studying for midterms but who cares lol I'm probably gonna fail. Anyways, enjoy! I hope you liked the bits of background of Hailey's past!! next update might take a while longer I still haven't planned out where exactly I'm gonna go from here but bear with me!

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