Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


It was time. I could feel it in the air, like a hum of energy flowing through everyone, including myself. I sat next to Chase on his bed, my head leaning on his shoulder. He was undoubtedly running through the plan in his head again.

"I still don't like it," he finally stated.

I ran a hand across his chest and turned his face towards mine, my hand gripping his chin, "It'll be fine. You need to relax and have a little faith. It's a good plan, and they won't expect it."

He frowned, "I thought you said you're trained to expect everything."

"Not this," I stated firmly, placing a feather-like kiss on his lips. "Trust me, we'll be okay, we'll make it through this."

He pulled me over so that I was straddling him and he looked up at me with concern written all over his face, "God I hope so."

Leaning forward, I rested my head against his chest with my arms snaked around his torso. Chase laid his head on my own, and I could feel his jaw clench and unclench as the nerves began to settle in. I was sure they would be present all night.

The plan rolled into my own mind and I began to think of all the possibilities; of everything that could go wrong and what to do if it happens. If David turns on me, or if Joel does. I'll be ready for it-- I have to be. I began mentally preparing myself to face the hunters.

They wouldn't be happy about my switching sides at all. They'll try to kill me, no doubt. They wouldn't want me ruining the brand name of a hunter, and I wouldn't let them kill me.

Tonight's message would be made perfectly clear; it's either kill or be killed. And I would prefer not to be killed just yet.

Chase lifted my chin up and met my lips with his. It was a soft kiss at first, but I quickly turned ravenous and needy, as though nothing could satiate our hunger but each other's lips. It was exhilarating and addicting. All I knew was that I wanted and needed more.

His lips left mine as began trailing down my jaw and to my neck, where they lingered on a particularly sensitive spot. I let out a slight moan as he sucked on it and I could feel his teeth grazing the skin. Chase pulled back and looked down at me, "Hailey, I want to mark you. Right now."

I nodded while biting my lip before tilting my head slightly, giving him easier access, "Then do it." He kissed it once more before sinking his canines into my flesh. A small yelp left my lips but the pain soon subsided, leaving me with nothing but ecstasy and bliss as we were molded together, bonded into what felt like one person with two bodies, working as a mechanism.

We pulled away from each other and I looked into his eyes, he stared down at me in concern, "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

I smiled and kissed him, "I've never been better."

He stood up with my legs around his waist and carried me into the bathroom, setting me on the counter next to the sink. Wetting a tissue, he wiped off the blood that had spilled out from my neck gently, kissing it a few more times. Once he was sure it was done bleeding and clean, we moved back to the bed in the same position we were in before.

Once more, our lips attacked one another, but this felt so much different. It wasn't just that I wanted him, but I needed him. It was as if I could feel everything he and I felt together, but it was multiplied tenfold. I couldn't even begin to describe the electric shocks I felt anytime he touched me. I could feel it through our clothes and I could definitely feel it when skin met skin. It was delectable, and he was my favorite flavor that I just couldn't quit.

A knock at the door interrupted our little moment and I moved from my position so that I was sitting next to him rather than straddling him. We were both rather out of breath. The door swung open and Luke walked in, annoyance clearly written across his features, "It's time."

We stood up and nodded. I pulled on my leather jacket and followed Chase downstairs, where a lot of people were waiting, including Lily and Luke, who were standing awfully close to one another.

"Alpha, is this plan really going to work?" One man standing in the living room addressed Chase, worry in his voice.

Chase's expression had hardened since the bedroom and he faced the group of people with fierceness I had only seen in him once or twice before, "My brothers and sisters, listen to me now. We will not only survive through this fight, but we will thrive! We have a plan, a damn good one at that, and we will defeat the hunters. They won't know what hit them until it's far too late. I ask for your trust and strength, and in return I will give you the best protection I can offer."

The men and women cheered so loud it felt like 500 people were in the house rather than the actual 50 or so.

Lily walked up to me, a knowing smile on her face and hugged me, whispering in my ear, "Welcome to the family."

Pulling away from her, I smiled, "Thanks. I guess it's time, then?"

"Unfortunately, yes," she responded with a frown.

Nodding, I faced her, "Right, then. Well, get the rope and hit me."

She glanced at Chase who nodded stoically, though I could tell it pained him to go through with this plan, and she turned back to me, raising her fist. It collided with my eye and I fell back, before standing back up.

"Remind me never to piss you off," I muttered before standing back up. It was already beginning to swell shut.

She grabbed the rope and took my hand, but Chase stopped us before we could go, "Be careful, okay?"

"We will," I promised, kissing his cheek before turning with Lily, grabbing my bow and quiver on the way out, my knives already strapped to my body, hiding under the black leather.

We made our way to the trees just outside the closest area I had marked off and I helped Lily throw the rope over s tree branch. She secured a knot around both of my ankles and hoisted me up, so that I was dangling in the air upside down.

"Good luck, Hailey," she whispered, smiling, but I didn't miss the tears in her eyes.

I smiled at winked at her, "I won't need it."

She turned and shifted into a blond wolf before scampering off into the thick of the woods.

Sighing, I tried not to think of all the blood rushing to my head as I waited-- waited to hear the sound of the hunters approaching the trap. Because, after all, I was the bait.

A/N: so to compensate for not updating in forever I decided to update twice in one day. How great am I? Also the song is "Somethin' Bad" by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood. It describes perfectly the upcoming chapters!

QOTC: what do you think is about to go down?

AOTC: a lot of bad shit ;)

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