Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hailey's P.O.V

Taking in a deep breath as usual, I pulled back the string and held my position for a while. I waited until I found a medium-sized brown wolf crossing my path. Releasing the string, the arrow went flying and straight through the wolf, the abomination dropping to the ground, dead.

Shouldering my bow, I continued my silent trek deeper into the woods. With the sounds of a branch cracking, I froze on the spot before quickly recovering and as quietly as possible pulled a bow from the quiver. Backing into a tree, I scoured the woods, trying to find the source of the noise. When I couldn't see anyone, more specifically anything, I took a step forward and away from the large oak tree, I tightened my grip on my bow and took in stabilizing breaths.

Suddenly a hand was clamped down on my mouth and panic and anger rose in me. Stomping my foot down onto the foot of whomever was holding me. Hissing in pain, the person behind me removed their hand and I spun around, pulling the string back and aiming my arrow at the head of the person.

I narrowed my eyes, "What the hell, Joel?!"

Joel, spinning his silver knife around his finger, smirked, "Well hello to you, too Princess Hailey."

"You scared the crap out of me! I thought you were--" He cut me off.

"The Alpha, I know, but you won't find him here. Despite the average size of a wolf brain, he's smart," Joel chuckled at his own little joke.

Rolling my eyes, I questioned him, "Well then where is he?"

"Waiting for you at your apartment, most likely," He answered with a shrug. "Although, I do have a question for you."

"Yeah? What's that?" I all but challenge him.

"Why is the arrow still pointed at my head?" He questions, gesturing to my bow that I held in my hand, string pulled back and arrow pointed directly at him.

"Because I don't like you," I replied nonchalantly before lowering the bow and slinging it on my shoulder, arrow back in place in the quiver slung diagonally over my shoulders and across my back. Plucking a knife from my belt, I examined the sleek, silver blade before turning to Joel, "Let's go."

He nodded and followed me as I led the way out of the woods, past quite a few dead wolves as well. It was the last day in Michigan, meaning we had to finish the pack completely. Now, only the Alpha remained. Sliding into the car with my bow and arrows in the trunk, I reached over Joel and grabbed my gun from the glove compartment, sliding it into the waistband of my jeans and pulling my jacket down to conceal it.

Speeding down the dark roads, I sloppily parked at the base of the small apartment building I lived in with David, our trainer.

Jumping out, I immediately tore inside the building, ignoring the look the front counter man was giving me and dashed up the stairs, not patient enough to wait for the elevator. When I reached my floor, I slowed to a walk and evened out my heartbeat. Taking my keys, I unlocked the door and pushed it open, finding myself in a completely dark room.

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