Chapter 40

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Chapter 40


When a wolf marks his mate, he can feel everything she does. It's like a mental tether on steroids between the pair. He can feel her pain or pleasure and can tell when she's distressed.

I could feel her distress. Hailey was freaking out somewhere-- panicking, almost-- and I couldn't do a damn thing to help her.

My chest was tight and I felt as though tears were about to spill over as I reached out to her through the bond. Whatever was happing right now, it's taking a tremendous toll on her. My head was fuzzy, like I couldn't get a clear picture, and I knew it meant she must be disoriented as well. Something came up that she had never in a million years expected to happen. And I need to figure out what, before it's too late.

The pack was gathering in the yard, my people in skin and wolf form alike, slowly straggling in, coming in a staggered manner to avoid the hunters. Hailey might be on the inside, but there's still too many of them for us to get our hopes up just yet. A brutal fight is coming, I could practically smell it in the air and sense it on everyone around me. The only question remaining is: who will be the ones left standing when it's all over?

My wolf growled at the thought, for we knew the answer, the only option. We would be the ones left standing in the end.

I stood in front of my pack, watching as everyone capable of fighting poured into the green space, rapidly filling it up. They all stood at attention, waiting for me to speak and officially declare this war we are about to wage. Some eyes held fear, others anticipation or even hunger. There was a large spectrum of emotions surging through the crowd before me, and so I pushed my own as well as Hailey's to the back of my mind.

This is my pack, and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.

Luke came up to me, nodding in respect as we stood in front of almost the entire pack, "Alpha, everyone is accounted for. We're ready."

I nodded and turned, facing my people.

"Men and women, boys and girls," I began, "I won't lie to you. This is going to get messy. People will die today, as much as it kills me to say it, some of us here will die today. Let it be known that I am willing to lay down my life for each and every one of you. You are not my subjects, no matter what some Alphas may believe. You all are my family, and it pains me to have to ask this of you. But I need you to fight with me.

This is war, don't kid yourself and try to say otherwise. They have brought in each and every one of their hunters to take us down-- but I refuse to let that happen. We will kill them all. We will rip them apart one by one, until there is nothing left of them to break. You all know that hunters killed my parents, your former Alpha and Luna. I won't let them tread on top of us anymore."

I took a deep breath as tears began to pool in my eyes. My wolf howled in sadness at the thought of losing the good people before me.

"Tonight, we become the hunters. We track every last son of a bitch down and get them with our claws, with our teeth, with our goddamn bare hands. We show them what it's like for every bone in their body to break. We show them, what it's like to be preyed upon. We show them what true hunters look like. They believe we're nothing but vicious animals without a conscience. Tonight, just this once, let's prove them right.

Tonight, we unleash the beasts within every single one of us, and we won't stop until every blade of grass around them is painted red with their blood!"

The wolves in front of me howled as those remaining in their skin cheered loudly, and it was so loud I was sure the hunters could hear us clear as day from their little camp out at Hailey's house.

"They know we're coming," I shouted out, bringing the crowd back down to a silence, although everyone was now buzzing with energy. "That's not a problem. We go, we attack, we kill. It's as simple as that. They may believe they're ready for what's coming, but nothing could ever prepare anyone for what we are about to unleash upon them."

The cheers began again and I nodded before shouting out, "Shift!"

The sounds of bones cracking filled the air as everyone began to phase into their wolf, leaving only me in my skin. I snarled and leapt forward, shifting in midair. Growling, I let out a vicious bark before turning and sprinting off to the hunters. To Hailey. To victory.

But almost immediately, something was wrong.

Arrows whizzed through the air, striking wolves all around me. One grazed my shoulder and I snarled as the silver burned the flesh it managed to skim. I looked over and saw Luke running my my side, an arrow embedded in his shoulder already.


I reached out to Hailey through the bond, trying to get any feel whatsoever of what was happening. This many hunters should not be in the trees.

I snarled and opened up my mind to the pack link, "Now!"

Bodies of hunters began falling from the trees, their throats and hearts torn out. We were getting into the thick of the woods, where we had had wolves stationed up in the trees, waiting for my cue to strike and let us pass. It was Hailey's idea, and right now I was really glad I listened. I could smell blood and growled as my sprint slowed to a jog, passing two hunters with their throats slit cleanly with a blade. Did Hailey do this?

I couldn't even catch the faintest trace of her scent and released a howl as a hunter took me by surprise, jumping on my back and striking me with a silver knife. Rolling over, I crushed him under my back, tearing his head off with my teeth as I regained my footing. I spat the head out to Luke, who gave me a sadistic wolffish grin, before yanking the blade out with his teeth.

Letting out the equivalent of a grunt, I pushed forward, racing towards her house. We were almost there, I could see the hard littered with a little over 100 men standing at the ready with weapons, and I could see the little yellow house. Hailey stood out on the balcony of the second floor, screaming at a man with a scar on his face. The Chief.

And then, she punched him, before diving off the balcony, just as the entire house exploded, throwing me back, as well as forcing all of the hunters to the ground. My ears were ringing and my vision was clouded by smoke.

Flames engulfed the home and I jumped back up to my feet immediately, sniffing the air for Hailey.

What the hell did she just do?

A/N: Hailey u crazy gal. Lol but real talk I teared up a bit when writing Chase's little speech how lame am I? Also this is officially the longest book I have ever written and we're still going! So #lit

QOTC: what do you think happened with Hailey and her dad during this chapter?

AOTC: idk girls got some daddy issues I guess :/

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