Chapter 48

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Chapter 48


Sitting in the living room back at home, I couldn't help but look skeptically at my best friend and little sister cuddled up together on the couch across from me.

Arms wrapped around from behind, and I smiled as Hailey whispered in my ear, "Stop pouting, and just be happy for them."

Turning my head to face her, I pressed my lips to hers, "Who said anything about pouting?"

After I had threatened to separate his head from his body if he ever did anything to hurt her in any way, I'd settled down enough for Hailey to convince me that it was a good thing. the two of them together-- they liked each other, cared for one another and would protect each other with everything that they have. Even if I didn't like it at first, I have to admit they're a good match; my sister would straighten Luke out.

"Let's give them some alone time," Hailey said, and I raised an eyebrow as I looked over to my sister who laid peacefully on Luke's lap. My own mate rolled her eyes and pulled me with her, "Come on!"

I scooped her up so she didn't have to crutch up the stairs and carried her up the stairs, dropping her on the bed. She let out a light laugh as I did so. Smiling down at her, I leaned forward, placing my lips on hers gently. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her, pressing our bodies closely together as the kiss deepened.

Biting down on her lip, I caused her to moan and I smiled into the kiss, my hands gripping her hips tightly as hers ran through my hair.

Moving down, I left gentle kisses trailing down her jaw and neck until I reached the spot where I had marked her. I sucked on the spot, causing her to gasp and moan, her hands tightening on my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin through my t-shirt.

I pulled away, looking down at her, her curly brown hair thrown all over the bed, her brown eyes sparkling as she looked up at me, "God, you're beautiful."

"So are you," She whispered back, her hand cupping my cheek. I leaned into it, enjoying the feeling of the sparks that she sent coursing through me with a simple touch.

"Guys are not beautiful," I answered, although I didn't really care what she called me if we stayed in this position.

Smiling, she shook her head, "I don't care, you're beautiful Chase Morgan! And you're all mine."

Leaning so that my nose was buried in the crook of her neck, I mumbled, "Thank god for that."

Then I began kissing her neck again, working my way up to where her eager lips were waiting for my own. Her hands tangled in my hair and mine wandered her body endlessly and we were gone. I was a goner.

I looked down at Hailey, her small frame tucked into me as the moonlight from the window shone on her bare back. I rubbed circles with my thumb on her back, watching as her body rose and fell with every breath. She looked stunningly peaceful as she slept, and it was surprising considering everything she's been through.

It's a wonder she's still here, honestly. That we're both here, for that matter.

We've both lost both of our parents, have killed, have almost been killed and have lost people we care about. We've hurt each other and hurt ourselves trying to protect each other. We were made for each other, and that's why we're mates.

We are both broken and bruised and battered, but we are both still breathing and we're together. To me, that's all that really matters. I have my sister,  my mate and my pack, and that's all that I can really ask for.

I didn't even realize I had stopped rubbing Hailey's back until she pouted, "No, don't stop, it felt good."

Smiling, I resumed the motion, "I thought you were asleep, sorry."

Peeling her eyes open, she looked up at me through her eyelashes, "Nothing to apologize for, silly. Besides, I was like half asleep."

She looked away and close her eyes again, burying herself in my armpit and I had no complaints as she nestled her naked body closer to my own. The feeling between Hailey and I had been euphoric to say the very least. It was breathtaking and wondrous and heavenly and everything I could've imagined and more.

We were fully mated now, and we were connected as two bodies with one heart, and could feel everything that the other thought. The best part, was that I knew I could talk to her through her mind now. She wouldn't be able to directly speak back, but I'd be able to talk to her and read her emotions mentally, although she didn't seem to keen for me to be inside her head, I told her she could practice keeping me out, much to my dismay.

"I love you," She said, kissing my shoulder lightly.

I smiled down at her, "I love you too, Hailey."


a/n: Late and short update-- sorry! But anyways... Chase and Hailey finally did it ;) I didn't make it too graphic though, sorry pals :)

QOTC: Are you guys ready for the end?

AOTC: 2 more chapters!!!

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