A Knuckle Sandwich

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After I slammed the door of the hospital room I immediately felt guilty. Sadie saw me and glared.
"Okay, Tobias listen up!" She commanded, "Maya is my best friend and because of you and Ricky's childish ways she's in hospital! So I suggest from now on, unless you are going to treat her right, leave her alone!"
And with that she stormed into the room. I heard murmurs then Natalie and Sadie came out.
"Why are you still here!?" Sadie snapped
I decided not to answer her. It was only when I heard Maya sobbing that I left, but only out of pure shame and guilt. I left the building and jumped into my pickup. Ricky was gonna pay. But first I had some business to attend to.
"You're late." Bart said when I entered the warehouse, our usual meeting place
"Sorry, I got caught up." I mumbled
"With what?"
I wanted to lie, but nobody lies to Bart.
"With a girl." I replied sighing
"Huh, I thought you would of learned after my sister." He said, "This girl ain't safe if she's with you."
"She's not with me! We're not together." I replied boldly
Bart looked at me strangely then started to explain the plan. The plan for revenge. It would take place at the weekend on the same day as Maya would be released. Ricky's trial was the day after that.
"Does anyone have a problem with that date?" Bart asked
Me and one other raised a hand.
"Mick?" He asked the other guy
"It's my mums birthday." He mumbled
"Shut up Mick." Bart snapped
"Yes sir." He obeyed
Bart turned to me, "And what about you Toby?"
"That's when Maya gets released." I muttered
"And who the hell is Maya?!" Bart spluttered angrily
"A girl, the reason I was late, she's in hospital and that's when she gets released."
"Huh, well if you ask me you don't deserve any girl, not after Nina!" He yelled, "You're probably the bloody reason she's in hospital, but maybe you'll wake up and not be the cause of her death!"
I looked at the ground and held back the tears. I couldn't cry and look like a pussy in front of the guys. Although I still couldn't talk about Nina. It hurt too much. But maybe he was right. I shook the thought away.
"I'll be there." I finally said, then walked out full of rage.
I went straight to the police station and asked to see Ricky. It was family only so I said I was a cousin. They let me in and led me to Ricky's jail cell. He was wearing orange overalls and his facial expression showed a mixture of boredom, fear, exhaustion and rage.
"What do you want?" He groaned
"Oh you know, just a quick chat over lunch." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Don't bother, the food here's crap."
"Well would you prefer a knuckle sandwich, cos I can easily make you one!" I yelled
"Did you just come here to shout at me, cos if so then just leave. I'm not in the mood."
"I don't give two shits if you're in the mood or not!" I retorted, "I'm just letting you know that you're gonna be here a long, long time so get used to it. Because me and Maya are attending the court meeting together and you are going down! And as soon as you come out you are getting that knuckle sandwich." I hadn't actually asked Maya what she wanted to do but I couldn't tell Ricky that, plus he winced when I mentioned Maya so I was glad I did.
He said nothing and merely glared at me as I strolled out casually, like nothing had ever happened.

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