Walking again

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"The doctor said that I'm going to try walking this afternoon now that it's been like four days since what happened with Ricky." I said
"Oh my gosh, Maya this is great!" Sadie squealed, "do your parents know?"
"Of course they do. They were in here when the doctor said." My parents had been visiting regularly but had decided against staying overnight in the hospital with me. I didn't mind though since Toby had stayed some nights. We had stayed up late and just talked about all sorts of things, and we decided that this weekend, straight after I was released we would go somewhere. He said he had something he wanted to tell me.
"So, what are you thinking about this trial?" Natalie asked cautiously
"I want to go and give Ricky what he deserves but I think I should speak to my parents about it first." I said
"Speak to us about what?" My dad interrupted, popping his head around the door.
"Rufus! Don't interrupt!" My mum whacked him lightly on the arm, glaring at him.
"Oh no, it's ok we were actually just leaving." Natalie said, "Bye Maya."
She and Sadie waved as they left, smiling at my parents. Then they shut the door. Leaving me alone with my nutty parents. Bastards.
"So what is it sweetie?" My mum asked as she perched on the end of my bed whilst my dad took the armchair.
"Um, it's about Ricky's trial.." I muttered
"Yes well that's the main issue right now, other than you being in hospital," my mum started, "but the question is-"
"Do you want to go?" Dad interrupted again
"Rufus! What did I just tell you a minute ago!" Mum snapped
"That if I wanted food then I should of brought my own money? That's irrelevant right now honey, we're talking about the trial!" Dad sighed
"I meant when I said to not interrupt!" She flung her arms up in the air, "Forget it!"
I raised an eyebrow, "Can we get back on topic now?" I asked, slightly irritated
"Yes." They said simultaneously.
"Thank you, now I think I want to go to this hearing but I want to know what you think." I said
"I think you should go." Dad said
"I think you shouldn't." Mum retorted
"Why not?"
"Because I'm just worried that it might be a bit soon, and I don't know if you're ready for this, I don't want my baby girl being upset." Mum explained, pouting.
Dad laid a hand on her thigh while I rolled my eyes at her words.
"Mum I'm 17 now, I'll be fine, I'm a senior. I'm not a baby."
Mum winced at my words and I felt bad for being so harsh. Dad just gave me a small reassuring smile.
"Okay then." Mum said trying to regain calmness.
I looked at her with bewilderment.
"Really? That's it, I can go?"
"Yes, but we are coming too." She stated.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." I said as I spread out my arms for them both to engulf me in a big hug.

After they left Toby came. I had just been allowed to get up and go to the hospital living room but I had come back to my room because I was bored. However it felt good to be out of bed.
"Hey" he gave me a dry smile as he entered.
He sat on the armchair and looked around the room, he seemed somewhere else, lost in thought.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked him, snapping him back into reality.
"This girl." He said
"Oh?" I didn't know what else to say.
"She's really pretty, no beautiful in fact. She has these green eyes, they seem to just sparkle and her hair. It's gorgeous. She's super shy, which is really cute and she seems like an open book, but nobody really knows her, and I want to get to know her." He breathed. I realised that he was talking about me by the way he was looking at me. I could hardly contain the butterflies. I however, managed to keep my cool.
"She sounds cool." I smirked.
"She is." He smiled at me, "but she doesn't even realise it."
I looked down at my duvet, hiding behind my hair to cover up my blushing only for him to cup my chin making me look into his eyes. He studied my face, trying to work out what I was thinking.
"You're beautiful Maya." He murmured staring at me.
"You're not too shabby yourself." I smiled.
He grinned then kissed me. I didn't resist. He kissed me long and hard but it felt really good, and right. It was as if he was claiming me as his, and I wanted to be his.
Suddenly I broke away. He looked at me concerned.
"What are we?" I asked
"What?" He seemed taken aback.
"I've known you for almost a week, but you've saved me, we've argued, we've kissed and made out in a really short amount of time and I don't know what this is or what we are and I'm confused, I'm in hospital and-"
He suddenly smashed his lips against mine, stunning me to silence. Then he pulled away.
"What was that for? What did that mean?" I pleaded
"You were rambling, and although it was adorable you need to shut up sometimes. I don't know what we are and right now I don't care as long as we're together."
"Okay." I agreed
"Okay." He sighed
"Okay." I repeated
"Are we really quoting the fault in our star's?" I sighed
"Yep." He said popping the p.
"Let's stop."

Hey guys just a short note to say that this chapter was a bit longer and that hopefully it will get even more longer. If you want them to. The next chapter is the exciting one, with the date! So stay tuned! And also please vote for my story, it would mean the world to me.

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