The date (part one)

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that this chapter will be in two parts as it is longer because it is the date night, the first half will be the preparation and the second part will be the actual date where you will find out about the mysterious meeting Toby was in. Dun dun dun!!!!!!!
I woke up to my alarm going off next to me. I groaned. Why didn't I remember to switch the alarm off?! It was Saturday for christ's sake. Then I remembered. I hadn't switched the alarm off because today was the day. Maya was being released.
"Toby?" I had been so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed my sister, Mollie, come in.
"What's up sweetheart?" I smiled at her, patting the space beside me for her to sit.
"Daddy didn't come home last night." She whispered taking the seat, "I think he's angry at mummy, and mummy's crying!"
I sighed. This had happened a few times before. He had probably gotten drunk and wouldn't be back until late this evening, then tomorrow he'd try to be super nice to make up for it, and mum would always forgive him.
"He's not mad at mummy, he's just been for a sleepover at his friends house, like what you did last week, exactly like that!" I said trying to sound convincing, and her four year old brain fell for it.
"Did he paint his nails?!" She asked laughing, "cos me and Hayley tried to and we made a mess."
"Yes he did, he painted them bright pink and added polka dots!" I pretended to be serious.
She laughed even more.
"Boys don't wear nail paint!"
"What! Of course they do, even I do!"
"Maybe we can do his tomorrow Mollie." My mum said standing at the door, I looked up at her puffy, red face and we exchanged small smiles, "You're breakfast is on the table sweetie, but I need to talk to your brother for a bit, ok?"
"Yes mummy." Mollie trotted out of my room and mum took her place on my bed.
"So, big day? Do you want some advice from your awesome mum?" She asked hopefully
"No offence mum, but do you even know what Maya likes?"
"No, but I know what every girl wants in a man." She stated matter-of-factly.
"And what's that?"
"They want someone who they know will always be there and can keep them safe, they want protection, a shelter, a home even."
"Wow mum, that was deep." I said still processing the advice she had once given me, I could be that, right?
"That's not all!" She continued, "Although they want to be safe they want to feel dangerous, they want to have fun with their partner, they want to try new things and go new places."
"Well this is very exact and slightly complicated." I frowned
"Well, love isn't easy." She said. I glanced at her, there was more so I was quiet.
"And lastly they want to feel loved, they want to be wanted, because that is one of the greatest feelings in the world. To know that someone truly thinks you are special and enjoys spending time with you. It's amazing." She finished.
There was a minute of silence before I broke it.
"Since when did you become so wise about this sort of thing?" I enquired
"Since the day I met your father." She smiled at me sadly, "I better go check on your sister, now get up and get the girl!" She yelled way too enthusiastically
"Alright!" I shouted back feeling dum but excited at the same time. Then I fell back asleep.
I woke up later with three hours until Maya was released. Shit. It was 2 o'clock. That meant I only had about two and a half hours to get everything ready, and I had a lot to do. I'm sure Mollie will want to help with the food though, so that would be.....interesting. Mum popped her head around the door.
"Why are you still in bed?" She asked nervously, "just say you were taking a break, please tell me you were taking a break and that you're almost ready."
"I was taking a break and I'm almost ready?" I replied
She sighed, "just hurry up."
I quickly got my clothes on only to come down to find Natalie, Sadie and my mum chatting at the door.
"Tobias your friends are here." Mum said
"They're not my friends."
"We are not his friends."
We all glared at each other.
Mum broke the silence, "well then, I will leave you guys to it, Toby I have some errands to run so keep an eye on your sister please?" She asked
"Yes mum, bye."
"Bye, I love you."
I said nothing as Sadie and Natalie started giggling.
"I love you!" She repeated louder.
"I love you too!" I groaned as she finally left. The girls were choking with laughter.
"Man, I officially love your mum!" Sadie declared
"Whatever, what are you guys doing here?!"  I sighed
"Isn't it obvious? We're here to help you prepare for the date considering you've done...." she paused to look around the room which had an open kitchen where I was gonna prepare, "nothing." She finished.
I gave her a sarcastic smile then turned to Sadie
"And why would you want to help, I thought you hated me."
"I was bored." She retorted
"Toby who are they?" Mollie said, shyly  emerging from upstairs.
"This is Natalie and Sadie, they're going to help me do some things in the kitchen." I said crouching down in front of her so we were face to face. The girls gave her a smile and wave.
"Can I help?" She pleaded, she pulled out those big Bambi eyes which are impossible to say no to.
"Of course you can." I replied as we went into the kitchen.
Sadie immediately plonked herself down on the breakfast bar and started texting on her phone.
Mollie tugged at my t-shirt. I kneeled down.
"They're pretty." She said. I suppose they were kind of. Natalie was tall and tanned, with jet black hair and hazelnut eyes, she always wore really bright, funky clothes which could make your head dizzy if you looked at them for too long. Sadie, on the other hand, had strawberry blonde hair and sky blue eyes that were hidden by her thick black glasses. She was quite small as well, but you've never heard such a big voice.
I smiled. Then stood up to face the "pretty" girls, more like pains in the ass. At least that's the term I would use.
"Right, so what do we need to do?" Natalie asked
"Ok first we need to make the food, chocolate strawberries, grapes, cos I know she likes them, um, I was also thinking about making either brownies or cookies but I'm not sure what one."
"Maya likes brownies." Sadie commented.
"I thought you weren't gonna help?" I smirked
"Well I don't have wifi so I may as well."
I grinned then continued.
"I also bought Red Devon Cider," I said winking at Natalie. She gave me a small smile, "Then after that's prepared I need to sort out my pickup, I need to unload it and make sure it's clean. Then I need to put all the food in the basket as well as find, or buy, some blankets and pillows." I finished and glanced at them.
"Alright, you're in charge so you instruct us." Natalie says.
Sadie groans, "why is he in charge?!"
"Because it's his date."
"I guess that's fair enough." Sadie murmured, glaring at me.
"Okay then, Mollie," I said looking down at my sister, she beamed at me,"You're going to sit up at the breakfast bar and dip the strawberries into the chocolate which Sadie will melt for you. Sadie, you're going to melt the chocolate, make a list of everything we'll need to take when it comes to, like, kitchen appliances, then if I give you the wifi password can you find a brownie recipe online?" I questioned
"Yeah I suppose I could do that." She muttered
"Good, now Natalie, we are going to have a look for blankets and pillows and if we can't find any good ones that aren't in use then I'm going to nip to the home store to buy some and you'll have to watch Mollie, ok? Then after that we'll make the brownies and sort out the pickup. We have two and a quarter hours so let's go!" I ordered, picking Mollie up and setting her on the breakfast bar counter. I gave Sadie the password then she started to heat up the chocolate. Then me and Natalie began looking.

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