The date (part two)

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When I was told it was time to go I was so excited. I boldly walked out of the hospital with a sway to my hips, until I saw Toby standing next to his pickup with a bouquet of red roses. I almost fell back down again. I started running towards him and when he saw me he only had to take a few steps before I was in his arms.
"Can you greet me like that everyday?" He smirks, ruining the moment.
"In your dreams."
He grins then hands me the bouquet awkwardly.
"Aww, Toby that's so sweet! Red roses are my favourite! Who knew you had a soft side?"
"Yeah well, don't get used to it." He ruffles my hair. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.
"So, why exactly are you here? I thought Nat was picking me up." I questioned.
"Well, she's not."
"Ok, so are you taking me home then?"
"Nope!" He said popping the p, "we are going somewhere."
"Where?" I ask nervously.
"Ah, but that would spoil the surprise!"
"But I hate surprises!"
"Good! Because I do them often!" He smiles. I roll my eyes then get into the passenger seat.
"Nice ride by the way! Fit for a bum." I joked.
"Yep, it is fit for you!" Toby turns it round, that's not fair.
"Words hurt Shay, you better watch out because someday you might actually come up with a comeback that hurts my feelings!"
"Ah, that'll be the day!" He grins, revving up the engine. I turn the radio on and hum along quietly to the tune.

"Can you sing?" He asks me.
I shoot him a look, "no."
"Oh c'mon Maya!"
"Fine, but only because you bought me roses!"
So I start to sing along to the radio, quietly at first but then I finally start singing confidently when Toby urges me on.
"Not too shabby Green." He comments.
I roll my eyes and turn out the window so he doesn't see me blush.
The rest of the drive is filled with an awkward silence. We start to go over rickety rocky roads.
"Um, Toby?"
"Where are we going?"
"Oh my god, you're going to kill me! This is just like in the movies, I'm too young to die!" I cry.
He glares at me as if I'm crazy.
"I'm not gonna kill you! Jeez! Have some trust in me Maya."
"I've only known you a week!"
He rolls his eyes.
"We're here."

I step out and we're at the top of this hill everything is beautiful, the sun is just starting to set and the air is quite cool, but not too cold, everything is just perfect.
"It's beautiful!" I breathe.
"It sure is."
I turn to look at him only to find that he's looking straight at me. I duck my head behind my hair, blushing.
"I have food?"
I immediately break out to a run towards the pickup. But Toby's a fast runner and he easily catches up with me. He grabs my waist and lifts me up, causing me to squeal in laughter. I wriggle and we fall back onto the soft grass. I giggle a bit then fall silent. We lay on our backs watching the red sky, my head on Toby's shoulder.
"Hey Toby?" I ask
"What are we?"
"We're us."
I look back up to the sky. What is us? Where do I stand to him? Why won't he answer the question properly?
"Hey Maya?"
"Can I tell you a story?"
I nod slowly.

"I fell in love with a girl, her name was Nina. She was my leader's sister."
"Leader?" Maya asked, "leader of what?"
"A gang, I'm in a gang. We were happy together and my leader, Bart, didn't disapprove of us being together so we became a couple. One night we had a fight. We were in our apartment and I was about to go on a mission. There was this guy Artur Rankoff. He owed Bart money and he hadn't payed up, so I was meant to go and get the money from him."
Maya took a sharp intake of breath.
"Nina didn't want me to go, she was worried it could be an ambush, I assured her that Artur had agreed to pay the money and that he had it waiting for me. I left Nina crying and went to the alley where we had agreed to meet. Nina followed me but I didn't know that until it was too late. It was an ambush, they all came at me at once, and that was when Nina came out. She had brought a gun and was about to shoot a guy when someone grabbed her from behind. He twisted her arm and she ended up shooting herself. I was so stunned that I didn't even defend myself. I just stared at her...I didn't know...I didn't know what to do...I didn't cry...I didn't shout, I just stood there letting them beat me until I was unconscious." Maya rests a comforting hand on my chest and nuzzles her head into my neck. I stroke her hair softly to let her know I was alright.

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