Chapter 6

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Ray waked to the front door and typed in the passcode to shut off the security code. He could hear Jacob coming down the steps and putting on his jacket.


" Who is that at the door?" Jacob asks.

" The people from the security company," Ray says as he opens the door.

As soon as Ray opens the door, he is being pushed back into the house by two men in black ski masks. He is pushed on the floor and a gun is waved in his face.

Quickly realizing what is happening Ray says," Jacob, Run! Go! Run!".

Jacob who was headed towards Ray to help him, turns around and heads up the stairs to his kids. But before his foot can make contact with the first step, he is dragged by his hair down and pushed on the floor also. Holding the gun to his head the gunmen says," I will put a hole in you if you try to get up."

Jacob starts crying and praying for God to help his family.

The front door opens and 2 more people in masks come in the house.

" Go upstairs! And get the kids! Now!" Yells the gunmen that was holding Ray down.

The two gunmen take off up the stairs and Jacob can hear Davie and Drew screaming as they are grabbed.

" Don't touch my kids! Leave them alone!" Ray yells while he struggles to get up.

" Daddy!" Davie yells as one of the gunmen drag her and the other drags Drew down the stairs.

Jacob and Davie are now crying and Drew and Ray are yelling at the gunmen while struggling against the gunmen holding them down.

Then one of the gunmen takes his gun and fires two shots into the ceiling. " Everybody shut the fuck up! Anybody that has a cellphone on them take them out and slide them across the floor."

Ray reaches into his pants pockets and take out his cellphone and follows the instructions. So does Jacob.

The gunman turns to look at the kids," Y'all don't have cellphones?" He says and starts making his way towards Davie.

" Hey no man! They're  in our room. Don't touch my sister!" Drew yells at the gunman.

The second  gunmen that was holding Ray down, drags him up towards the security alarm by the door.

"What's the alarm code, Ray?" The gunmen said, shocking Ray that he knew his name." Oh you would be surprised at the things I know about you and your family, Ray. But there are some things I don't know. Like the alarm code, so what is it?!"

Ray looks at the gunman and keeps his mouth shut.

"Oh, Mr. Tough guy, huh?" The gunman walks over to Jacob and jerks him upright and onto his feet. Dre starts struggling against the third gunmen, when he sees the second gunmen touching Jacob in a vulgar way.

"If you don't tell me the goddamn code right fucking now, I'm going to show you how rough, I can really get and poor Jacob will bear the brunt of it." Jacob was crying and trying to move the gunman's hands from crawling all over his body.

"Ok!  Ok! I'm doing it." Ray says and turns to the code and puts in the correct alarm code.

" Good boy, Ray! Now everyone lets move this party to the other room, shall we?"

All 4 of the gunmen gather Jacob, Ray, Drew and Davie and take them outta of the foyer and into Ray's study.

"God, shut the fuck up." One of the gunmen- clearly a woman now- says to Davie and pushes her on the floor of the study when Davie cries out.

Jacob looks at her and says," Don't you put your fucking hands on my daughter."

The gunwoman stalks toward Jacob and replies," What the hell did you just say to me? You think your better than me bitch."

She grabs Jacob by the hair and slings him down on the floor and starts to kick him in the stomach.

"Stop! Don't hurt my daddy!" Davie screams.

" Get your fucking hands off him." Ray yells and starts to get up but is held down by one of the gunmen.

Drew lets a few tears slip and shows how scared he is someone will hurt his dad.

One of the other gunman goes over to Jacob  and the gunwoman and rips her hands off him. "What the fuck did I say? No one touches him!" He yells.

Jacob heart stops at the sound of the gunman's voice.

'Oh my god, please no." He pleads in his thoughts. He squeezes his eyes shut to try and stop the tears.

Wondering to himself did he bring this upon his family.

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