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a year later.....

"Dad and Drew are here!" Davie yelled, opening the door and running outside to meet him.

Jacob stopped vacuuming the living room carpet and turned it off. By the time, he reached the front door, Drew, Davie and Ray were coming in the door.

Not having seen Drew in a couple of weeks, Jacob rushes to hug his first-born.

"I've missed you so much, baby." Jacob whispers into Drew's ear.

Drew just nods his head and pats Jacob on the back. He picks up his suitcase and goes to take it into his old room. Davie follows behind him, telling Drew all about her week.

"Want something to drink?" Jacob offers Ray. "I need to talk to you, anyways."

Ray accepts and follows after Jacob into the kitchen.

"You look well." Jacob says to Ray, pouring him some juice into a cup.

"You, too." Ray says. "What do we need to talk about?"

"We need to talk about us, Ray." Jacob says.

After the events of last year and Ray finding about Jacobs' infidelity, Ray and Jacob separated. Ray got his own place and Drew decided to live with Ray for his last year of high school.

"Are you going to divorce me or do you want to try and work things out?" Jacob asks Ray.

Ray simply looked at Jacob. Ray loved his husband and wanted to be with him, more than anything. But he didn't trust Jacob, at all. Jacob cheated and got pregnant on Ray while Ray was working. That really hurt Ray in his heart. Especially because they have been together for so long.

"I don't know, Jake. What if I have to go away for work again and you decide to cheat on me again?" Ray says, while putting his head in his hands.

Jacob took a quick peek at the stairs. He didn't want his children to see him breaking down. Jacob put up a facade for Davie and Drew but he was breaking on the inside. Because of a mistake he made, his family was put in danger and his family was torn apart.

Jacob grabbed Ray and pulled him into the living room.

"Ray, I love you so much. I can never forgive myself for what I did and the harm I brought to our family. I just felt so lonely and like I didn't mean anything to anyone anymore. I regret the cheating and the abortion. I am so sorry." Jacob pleads to Ray. "Please can we try to repair our family?"

Ray stared a Jacob, contemplating on what to do.

When he makes up his mind, he begins to speak.

"I'll take time off work. I won't work as much." Ray says. "Just, please don't do this again."

Jacob immediately brightens and hugs Ray.

"I want to start slow. You have to earn my trust back." Ray adds.

"Of course." Jacob says, shaking his head up and down. "So, Rayan Lopez will you go out on a date with me?"

Ray laughs and nods. "Yeah, I will."


The End!!!

lol i wanted to give this story a happy ending since FBOFW didn't have one. 

A new story will probably be coming soon plus my still ongoing story Something to Someone. 

So, check those out!

ok luv you bye 

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