::Chapter- 1::

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“Princess…princess…princess Aurelia!” Somebody shook me hard and The Fault in Our Stars fell from my lap on the floor; I groggily picked it up and checked the clock on my bedside table.  It was 7:30 AM, summer break was over and not to mention that I had landed on my bum while checking the clock. Duh. What a perfect start to the day.

Sylvia my handmaid was standing beside me, worry etched on her face. I got up and she had to literally stand on her toes to look at my face. Well, I was a sort of giant for the five feet lady and towered a full nine inches above her.

“Your bath is ready and your clothes are on the rack, princess. Breakfast is set and Princess Noelle and Augustine Sir are waiting for you downstairs.” She said and my heart did an involuntarily flutter when I heard his name. Sigh.

I entered the en suite and my school uniform was neatly ironed and kept on the rack, the bathtub was already filled with warm water and I could faintly smell the lavender body wash. I cautiously stepped into the bathtub, and the warm water instantly unlocked my tensed muscles. I rested against the cool stone of the tub and closed my eyes.

Summer break is over and now I’d have to go back to the pathetic place they apparently call a School. Well ok…I mean the  school, actually, is not pathetic. Its the people who go there who are a wrecking pain in the you-know-what. My family has this weird tradition; every single child who took birth in our family has graduated with a 60% scholarship from the Westchester Marquis Academy. Not that we are poor or something. It’s more of an I-am-super-intelligent show off thingy. But of course everything changed when Noelle went there.

She got an 80% scholarship. Bazinga!

And poor, pathetic me, who always wanted to be just like her elder sister, who got the same haircut as her and wore the same dresses as her’s,  got a 70% scholarship. Disappointed was what everyone was after Noelle’s grandstand play of intelligence. Poor, pathetic me. That’s what Grandma Caitlyn said after the admission test anyway.

A faint buzzer went off bringing me out from my reverie and I splashed some water out from the tub. Yep I had set an alarm because once I start thinking, the array of thoughts never ends. I stepped out from the tub, gingerly, my wet feet touching the plush carpet and literally disappearing into it. I wrapped a fluffy royal blue towel and went and stood in front of the mirror, brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair. over the vacations my wavy brunette hair had now reached my waist. Ah, at least something good had happened.

I changed into my school uniform ,  made a messy bun and pushed the bangs out of my eyes with the help of a blue headband which matched my school uniform. Our uniform consisted of a blue pencil skirt along with a white oxford shirt with puffed sleeves and a black checkered vest. I applied a dash of lip gloss and some mascara and checked myself in the mirror one last time. For a change I was looking sort of satisfactory.

I grabbed my backpack and jammed my feet into my black ballet flats and flew down to the dining room , where  Noelle was sitting with her back facing me and was engrossed in the newspaper. Augustine was flipping something in the pan and the cook was looking at him with worry in his eyes.

Her Royal Highness: Princess Awkward(Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now