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What had I done? I had literally and quite bluntly told Phoenix that I kinda liked him! I had just done what I shouldn’t have not even in a million years! I just fed his ego his favorite food that is compliments! And well his ego is as endless as the Tartarus, just bottomless and goes on and on.

I groaned and smacked my right palm to my forehead, why am I so stupid? I decided to let it quit for sometime because right now I had more important things to focus on. Blackwood forest, what am I going to do about it now? How am I ever going to go there after what happened at that awful place ten years ago?

And the most important question is will father ever let me go? After everything that happened there he kind of blames himself.

“Did Phoenix just stand up for you?” Jasper asked and suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

“Where were you Jasper McConnell?” I asked him and managed to place a hand on my hip while balancing the books with my other hand.

“I told you I had to attend this super urgent call, Lia.” He said and started rubbing the back of his neck which indicated that a) he was nervous or b) that he was lying. I decided to go with option b.

“Yes you did but you never mentioned who, what’s wrong Jazz? You can tell me anything you know that right?” I asked him softly, he just sighed and looked down.

“Aurelia I really want to tell you everything but I just…I don’t know how to tell you and Heather just give me some time will you? Just let me get things straight…” He trailed off and I gently squeezed his hand.

“It’s alright, take your time Jazz…I trust you and I know you’ll take the right decision about whatever that is bothering you.” I said and the corners of his mouth lifted up.

“We’ll talk about me later, what are you going to do about the trip? I mean after what happened there are you sure you want to go?” He asked me softly, his green eyes glistening.

“I need to be strong about it, Jazz I mean it all happened ten years ago…no matter how horrible it was…and they have completely stripped the forest of animals…after you know what happened.” I said and looked at him, I was wearing wedges today and I was as tall as him.

“I admire your courage, Lia you just never give up do you?” He said and smiled at me.

“Giving up is for losers Jazz and I am anything but.” I said with an air of finality in my tone, I was surprised at my new found confidence.

“I really like this new feisty Aurelia, hope she stays for long.” He said and bumped his shoulder with mine and I laughed along with him.

Her Royal Highness: Princess Awkward(Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now