227 6 3

2:30 PM

Frighteningly Gay: i cant believe i never noticed jack before hes so good

2:54 PM

Frighteningly Gay: he says hi to everyone jsyk

B Boy: u should add this mystery man to the chat

Frighteningly Gay: i rly should tbh

Frighteningly Gay added President Barakat to the chat.

Frighteningly Gay: guys this is jack

President Barakat: hi wow this is cool theres a lot of people here

President Barakat: the only other gc i have is me and like three other people but we dont just casually talk about stuff its like just for stuff about our band and junk....

The Weeds: you have a band???

President Barakat: yeah!

The Weeds: oh man thats so cool!! whats your guys name??

President Barakat: well, we've been in between names and stuff but right now we are The Never Wreck.

The Weeds: dude thats dope as fuck

President Barakat:wow dude thanks!!

The Weeds: im frank by the way yr name is jack yeah?

President Barakat: yep!

The Weeds: cool cool i wouldnt worry about everyone else im sure youll learn their names eventually

4:27 PM

Krabby Patty: gonna try to get Andy and Pete to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack wish me luck!

Hoe Trohman: man i wish i could come ::(

Krabby Patty: it's ok i know u like the soundtrack anyways <3 ill be over tomorrow tho to study so it's ok!

B Boy: ya to "study" ;)

Krabby Patty: i

Krabby Patty: that sounded rly suggestive but i swear im just going over there to study

B Boy: ya to study joes DONG

Hoe Trohman: man i hope

Krabby Patty: JOSEPH

4:37 PM

President Barakat: MIKEY WAY!

Frighteningly Gay: YA

President Barakat: can i still come over????

Frighteningly Gay: of course but gee and Frank are here just so u know

President Barakat: that's fine!

The Weeds: man we are gonna get to meet the president that's wild

hotdogfucker: ikr that's fucking wild

President Barakat: u bet ur ass it's wild

Wete Pentz: mikey wen r we gonna hang again!! 😯

Frighteningly Gay: we

Frighteningly Gay: we just hung out yesterday

Wete Pentz: 😪😪

The Weeds: little Peter is jealous aw

Wete Pentz: bite me 😤

The Weeds: ;~)

Frighteningly Gay: Pete we aren't even like dating or whatever u can't just be a whiny piss baby like this


5:24 PM

President Barakat: Mikey pls come open ur door

Frighteningly Gay: ok one sec

President Barakat: nvm frank got it

Frighteningly Gay: ok cool

5:54 PM

President Barakat: update Mikey is a really cool guy with a good taste in books and music

Wete Pentz: ya duh he's Mikey

President Barakat: well I haven't known him for super long soooo

Wete Pentz: long enough to steal him from me..

President Barakat: um excuse me??????

Frighteningly Gay: pete...

Wete Pentz: 😡😡

President Barakat added First Lady Alexander.

President Barakat: this is my boyfriend

President Barakat: his name is Alex

First Lady Alexander: hi I'm Alex

Wete Pentz: oh

Wete Pentz: fuck god dammit

Wete Pentz: listen

Wete Pentz: im really fucking sorry oh my god

President Barakat: no hard feelings buddy

Wete Pentz: fml tbh

5:20 PM

B Boy: i can't believe the President AND the First Lady are in this chat............... Wild.........

First Lady Alex: it's a real honor

President Barakat: ya definitely

6:37 PM

T Boy: sry but I can't believe Josh is taking me on this date guys

T Boy: im so nervous but it's been so nice!?!!!!

The Weeds: YOU GUYS ARE ON A DATE????'!?!?!!!

T Boy: ya!


hotdogfucker: it's like just yesterday they were crawling

T Boy: u met us last month

hotdogfucker: did i stutter?????

sorry for giving up on formatting i hate myself

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