《/Chapter Eight\》

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That guy...

His eyes. His body. His look.

"A-Are you... Korean?" My accent is MUCH better in Korean than Chinese. He nodded.

"Sir, I'm really sorry." I said, bowing once more. Stupid me. Stupid, dumb me. Why are you so rude to hurt someone? Ugh. You DISGUST me.

"No, it's fine. I'm alright. But," I tilted my head sideways. "Are you okay?" He pulled down his mask. As soon as I saw his pink lips, holding a slight smile, I felt horrible.


Majestic JB, Im Jaebum, was the guy who I had crashed into.

I feel even worse.

Who am I to touch this guy? I'm nothing. I don't deserve this kinda encounter.

My breathing gets a bit heavier. "I-I'M OKAY." Not really. I'm a lier.

"JB!" A screech came from behind us. I turned my head, seeing two fans running.

"SHOOT-!" He grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. I winced, feeling so much pain. I think I scraped my arm.

With one hand, I reached into my pockets, pulling out a face mask.

I quickly put the straps on my ears, making sure it was covering half of my face. With my deepest, masculine voice, I turned around and yelled.

"LEAVE US ALONE!" I hope they think I'm a guy. People would think we are just friends if it's two dudes. This should stop and potential rumours...

We ran, and I saw my hotel straight ahead. I grabbed JB's wrist, and brought us inside. I flashed my card to the security guards, and we were let in.

"C-come," I panted. I brought him to a hallway where no one was and where no one would go. In the background, I could hear the two fans screaming at the security to let them in.

My hand felt warmth underneath it. My eyes trailed down my arm to my fingers and I realised I was still holding him. I let go of him, walking a few feet away.

"I'm so sorry!" Again, I bowed. "No, I think this time I have to apologize. I dragged you with me, and you helped me... Wait." JB looked around, pulling his mask and cap off. "How did we even get in here?" He gestured to the doors, where the girls had tried to enter but were forced out.

"I have a room here..." I inched backwards towards the wall. Why is there just a hallway that ends, no windows or rooms here?

"You do?" His voice had suprise in it. "This is really expensive! We couldn't even get this..." My eyes widened. GOT7 couldn't come here? This is a really cheap hotel.

Realization hit me like a truck. "I'M SO SORRY OPPA! I DIDN'T MEAN TO CRASH INTO YOU. I'm sorry for pulling you to a random hotel!"

"You know me?" It was overwhelming. My face was burning and probably red. I held JB, I touched him. I dragged JB to my hotel, I BROUGHT A KPOP STAR HERE.

"I'M A PRISONER!" (A/n: coughs REAL MEN REF shes saying im sorry really fast so it sounds like im a prisoner) I ran to elevators. "GO STRAIGHT THEN GO LEFT, THE TAXIS ARE THERE!" I jumped into the elevator, mashing the 'close' button. I screamed as I went up, falling to my knees.



"JB. This is you," Jackson pointed at his phone screen. There was a picture of JB and that masked fangirl who saved him. "right?"

"Yeah. I got chased by fans after the concert."

"Who is that, though? A friend?" Mark held out his phone, playing the video of the fangirl telling them to go away. She sounded like a guy. "No... just a really, really rich fangirl I bumped into."

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