《/Chapter Fifteen\》

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I groaned, rolling on the hotel floor.

Not only was I feeling the side affects of being sick, I was also on my period.

"UGH." Do I REALLY want to go to the concert?

The answer is yes, yes I do. It was going to be in a few hours, and I have no idea what to do. I haven't been here a lot.

I think one of my teachers once said that the best thing to do is just wander around the safe side.

I ran out of my hotel, simply just running around.

I bought some random stuff, giving the homeless some money. I smiled, seeing their happy faces. I ran around for two hours,  then I went to the theatre. I stood in line, and immediately fans recognized me.

"Hey! Can we get a picture, Tourist?" I giggled at the nickname, nodding.

"I'm just a fan, like you guys." They shook their heads.

"You're so cool! You helped so many other fans. I've heard you talk to other fans if they have problems and just need to talk to someone." I blushed.

That was true... but I did it because no one should feel as lonely as me.

We talked for awhile, and I hid the pain. I followed them, and they freaked out. "Let's meet again!" They casually laughed.

I paled. I don't want to get close to anyone, because I'm going to die. I'd never do that to someone.

"S-sorry. I don't think I'll ever be able to come back here. I live in Los Angeles." They nodded, saying that plane tickets are expensive.

We seperated, going to our own places. I stood in the front, breathing slowly.

I growled in pain during the middle of the performance. I crouched down, holding my stomach. Can I scream here? Everyone is screaming...

I stood back up, screaming as soon as one of the boys came near. They were paying extra attention, and I saw the worried expression wipe over Jackson's face. He quickly went back to a smile, to not alert anyone.

I panicked. I have photo op! I don't want him questioning me. I silently cursed as the concert ended, and photo op people were directed to a different room.

Jackson. Be a good boy, and keep quiet.

We walked forward, and I had to sit infront of Jackson.

I'm so freaking lucky. I really, really, wanted to sit infront of this boy.

"Are you alright?" He felt my head, as I faked a smile. "Yeah, thanks Jackson." I sat down, feeling his hands on my shoulders. He massaged me, and we posed for the picture.

As I stood up, the boys said bye to me. Jackson, however, looked at me straight in the eyes. "Your health is more important. Alright?" I chuckled.

"Yeah. Bye!" I waved, exiting the building. I looked over the footage as I walked, dragging my heels.

I swore when I saw the footage which I named 'Yugyeom'. He was grinding on the ground, being sexy af.

"WHY DO YOU HATE ME?!" I screamed, running the direction my hotel was at.

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