《/Chapter Twenty-Six\》

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Gasp What if Tourist dates on guys??

I smiled. Sorry, but I'm not going to start dating anyone. I cant ;,D

MarkJinSon MarkJinSon MarkJinSon
A/N: Aye ok normal is english

Pulling out my phone, I tweeted out that I'd buy people, near ktown, albums for free if they'd help me with something. A ton of people agreed, and I tweeted the address.

I jumped out of my white car, slamming the door shut. Then, I sat on the hood and waited.

In my car, I had clothes from my old closet and from donation drives in the rich neighborhood.

It's insane. Some of the rich kids, aka the spoiled ones, wear their clothes once then let them rot. They are in perfect condition! That's stupid!

My trunk and backseat are full of clothes. Not only that, I had one more car full of clothes and supplies coming. I looked at my phone, texting directions to anyone who got lost.

People started to gather; teenagers, adults, and I yelled into the crowd of about twenty-five people. "Hey! Is everyone ready?"

Everyone looked at me, with a few asking what we were doing. "In my car," I gestured behind me, "there are a ton of clothes I gathered from the rich. We are going to take them to the poor, and there's another car full of clothes coming. If you know this area, then you should know that there is a donation center right around the corner."

I gestured to the right, and everyone nodded. "Alright then!"

I opened up my car, pulling out bags of clean clothes.

I passed it to the people, who carried them into the donation center.

The second car soon pulled up, and I helped take the clothes out and bring it to the donation center. Families were smiling so bright, and it was nice to see that.

Afterwards, everyone headed to ktown and I told them to bring two albums of their choice to the counter. Everyone worked so hard.

I paid for all fifty albums, and everyone thanked me. "No, thank everyone for helping out with the clothing. I really appreciate it."

A guy proposed we should take a selfie. Everyone cheered in agreement, and so we took a picture outside. I posted it on Instagram and Twitter, tagging everyone.

Slowly, everyone left and I went and bought myself Oreo ice cream. I licked it in silence, driving myself around Los Angeles.

It's a beautiful place. I love being here. I pulled over, looking at the scenery. My phone kept buzzing, so I decided to check my notifications.

People kept calling me queen, asking why I am rich and why I know their oppas. I responded to them, telling them I really don't know why.

I looked at my messages, grinning at the fact that the girl who was depressed seemed much happier. I was so happy for her.

But, I choked when J-Hope texted me.

Are you free in five days?

I'll be free whenever you want me too ;D
Message not sent.

Um... yeah. I am available.

I spent atleast a whole minute rewriting that one sentence. I bit my lip, watching the 'other person is typing...' message pop up.

Great! I'd like to repay you, so I'll treat you on that day.

Wait J-Hope

Sorry, I need to go. See you then!

I smiled, shaking my head. I guess I'm going to get treated by J-Hope.

I drove back home, and laid on the couch, waiting for the second concert.

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