《/Chapter Seventeen\》

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Bambam eyed the girls, keeping his distance. "They aren't going to bite." I laughed, pulling off my disguise.

I walked over to the group of girls, pulling out a hundred dollar bill. For all eight of them. They gasped, taking one in their hands like it was gold. "Don't rip it, and spend it wisely." They ran out of the building, thanking me.

Bambam's mouth was hanging open. "That was..." He paused, calculating, "almost a thousand dollars!" I shrugged.

"Kunpimook, you'll catch flies." I smiled, pushing his chin up with my finger. "Julia! MILLIE?!" A lady yelled, running from the hallway a few feet infront of us.

"Ma'am." I grinned, looking at the kind older lady. "Ah! Rich girl!" She tightly hugged me.

"Wait!" She placed her hands on my shoulders, pushing me away.

"How much this time?" I chuckled nervously, avoiding her eyed. "Eight hundred bucks..." She slapped my back.

"I told you not to give them more than thirty dollars!" she rubbed her temples, pausing, "Is this your boyfriend?" She pointed to the half confused Thai boy.

I rubbed my back, laughing. "Hindi. This is my acquaintance, Bambam." She looked at him, staring at his skinny body.

Bambam was being quiet and awkward, bowing politely. "I'm Kunpimook Bhuwakul. Call me Bambam, miss." The lady was surprised, having a Jackson-like expression.

"Is he taken? He is polite, called me miss and made me feel young, skinny but we can fix that AND he looks handsome and talented." She spoke in Tagalog, and I'm sure Bambam picked up on a few words.

"He's taken. His girlfriend is an amazing girl whom I'm very good friends with." I responded.

The lady took him aside to question him, and I laughed at his panicked expression. "Can you go talk to the girl at the back? She's new, half Norwegian half Mongolian, shy and has a dark past." I nodded, going into the girls' room.

The boys were messing around in their room, not bothering to say 'hi' or ask for money. I even have my money ready for them if they want it! I sighed, skipping their room and walked forward.

There she was. Her long, beautiful black hair covered her back. She sat on the window seal, her legs close to her chest as she wrote on a piece of damaged paper.

I stood a good five feet away from her, slowly going on my knees. "May I have the honor of knowing your name?" I asked, staring at her. She turned her head, her grip tightening on her pencil. "Why? Are you adopting me?" She whispered.

Her voice was beautiful. Absolutely innocent and childlike and ladylike. She looks like a princess...

"I'm not adopting... I'm really sorry." She looked back at her paper, and continued writing... or sketching. "Good."

What? I'm confused. "Don't you want to be adopted?" She put her stuff down.

"Not everyone wants to be with adults who'll force you to be someone."

"Hm. Makes sense..." I dug through my wallet, pulling out two 100 dollar bills. "For you."

She looked at me confused. "All of the other girls got two hundred dollars. So here's yours." I held it out to her. Brushing her black hair back, she slowly got off the window seal and walked towards me.

She reached her hand to take the money, but I pulled it away before she could grab it. "Only if you tell me your name. And age." I stuck my tongue out childishly.

I stood up, holding the money over my head. "NOT FAIR!" She yelled.

"Life's not fair." I giggled as she pouted. Her face was so cute.

"I... I'm Ann, with no last name and I'm nine." I smiled, handing her the cash. "See you tommorow, Annabelle Lynn!" I ran out of the room, and ran to a flustered boy with his mouth hanging open.

"BOI. You'll catch more flies!" I grabbed his hand, pulling him out.

"Bye, ma'am!" Bambam and I waved, exiting the building. I put my hood and mask on again.

We walked to a fast food restaurant near the theatre Bambam was performing, and sat at the outside tables without ordering. "You want anything?"

"I want to know if you are alright." He smoothly said, and I was taken aback. "Whoa, what?" I laughed, standing up to go order something.


To get away from this curious and nosey boy. Stop worrying...

"Just... I heard-" I slammed my hands on the table, purposely interrupting the Thai boy.

"I forgot! For this concert, I have to be two hours early! Bye!" I ran, crossing the road and jumping into the crowd of fangirls.

Behind some girls, I spyed on Bambam. Did she tell him that I was kinda going through a hard time? I hope she didn't.

The boy was searching for me within the crowd, and sighed when he didn't see me. He took out his phone, probably calling someone to help him get in.

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