《/Chapter Thirty\》

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For the past few days, Amber, Ann and I have spent time together to get to know more about each other. I've been so happy even if I was in pain.

I told them about my trips around the world, and Ann told me she wanted to do the same. I messed with her hair, telling her to learn more languages then.

The girls asked me about the Japan concerts, since I spoke about not going to Japan.

"There was this guy I saw at the airport who had a black mask and cap on. He looked really sad, so I approached him and he told me about missing his flight. I felt bad so I gave him my ticket." Ann jumped up.

"Who was he?" I grinned. "Jung Hoseok of BTS." She tilted her head in confusion and I sighed.

Oh, Ann.

"You only like girl groups!" I laughed and Amber grinned. "I know him. And so...?"

"He wants to hang out with me in a few days. To pay me back." Amber winked at me.

"A date?"

"No, he's just paying me back." I rubbed my neck.

"I'll take care of Ann that day, then."

I gasped. "Really?!" Amber nodded.


"Thanks Amber!" I hugged her, and Amber wrapped her arms around me. "Only for my Rae-Bae."


I bit my lip, really nervous. I played with my shirt's button, anxious.

Did I look good? I was wearing a white top that was loose, and some black skinny jeans.

I looked at my phone, wondering if I came too early.

Yeah, you came an hour early. Great job.

I laughed at myself, running my hand through my hair.

Only for an idol.

I even stopped going to school to go to concerts.

What am I doing with my life.

I took a selca, posting it on Instagram. Do I look nice lmao save me <--- hinthint

Of course, people told me I looked nice, but some asked if I was on a date. Haha btw I'm not on a date just hangin'

I looked up from my phone, looking around.

Nah, there's no way he'd-

What the-

A orange haired boy walked next to a pole, looking down. His hoodie covered his face, and I stared at the guy in shock.

No way.

I thought he'd come ATMOST ten minutes prior! He isn't a crazy, obsessed and half sasaeng fan like me...

Alright, I'm not even close to a sasaeng, but...


Do I... go up to him?

But I'll make it weird! Like I was too excited!

But... I don't want to make him wait...

I stood up from my seat, pushing in the metal chair afterwards.

Hoseok wasn't too far, maybe ten-ish feet from the outdoor cafe. His back was facing me and I continued the mini arguments within myself.


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