C H A P T E R 3

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After his class, Draco quickly ran back to his dormitory to change and get his books. Inside the common room he spotted Pansy Parkinson with Blaise and her other female friend.

"So, who will be your study buddies?" Pansy asked.

"Potter and Granger." He replied coldly.

There's a pause before someone speak. "Are you going to complain to McGonagall?" Blaise asked in more likely concerned tone.

"Nope. I'm good.. I'll go now, our review will start at any moment." He didn't wait for their reply and continued his way toward the library.

Harry was still lying against the velvety couch in Gryffindor common room while his head was resting at Ginnys lap, she's stroking his black messy hair softly. "So, who are your study buddies?" She asked.

"Hermione.. And Malfoy." he replied, thinking whether to arrive 5 or 10 minutes late in their session.

"Oh, it's good that Hermione was with you." She said. "I think you should go now, she won't be glad if you showed up late."

Harry lift his body and stretched his arms. "Okay.. Bye see you later." He kissed her lips for a few seconds and grab his things.

He immediately saw those light brown wavy hair and that white blond locks from the distance. He stare at Hermione and Draco for a few moment, they are talking to each other then Hermione will giggle for a moment, it seems like Draco was cracking a joke or something. Harry felt something at the pit of his stomach at the sight of them, he know that Hermione like Malfoy, what if he like her too? Would they end up together?..

Harry held the ridiculous thought at the back of his mind and continue walking toward their table.

"Fifteen minutes late Harry. As a punishment you will hand me an essay about Goblins rebellion next meeting." Hermione said even before he could seat at the chair opposite to her.

"What the hell?" He raise his brow.

"No more complains, now I forgot to list History of magic so we will start at that one." She grab a thick book at the shelf and slam it at the table.

The two boys glanced at each other as their shoulder fell down thinking that this night will be a nightmare.

After about three and a half hours of listening to Hermione and reading about Witch hunts and Giant wars. Harry and Draco made a foot long summary about their reviews. They felt their hands going numb and back are aching as the two boys exchange yawns every now and then, however, Hermiones energy never fade and her face was still lively as she used to be.

"Ugh can we have a break?" Harry said at the middle of yawning and stretching his legs, he checked his watch and it's nearly 11:30.

"Last 30 minutes and we will continue this next meeting." Hermione smiled.

"I'm done." Draco hand his essay to Hermione.

"Great! You can go now. Have a goodnight." Hermione said.

"Hey! Why you're letting him go?" Harry snapped as Draco grinned and leave the library.

"Because he's done Harry and your essay was hardly halfway through." She draw her wand and waved at the pile of books as it flew back to their shelves.

"You're just showing favoritism. Mione I know you like him but it doesn't mean you can always favor to him." Harry said bitterly.

"I'm not favoring to anyone, jerk. You can start finishing that one if you want to have a better sleep." Hermione chuckled leaning her back against the chair.

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