C H A P T E R 19

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An hour passed and Harry Potter was still sitting at the feet of the bleachers in Quidditch Pitch, his eyes were fixed on the grass, he barely felt the coldness of the wind that constantly hitting his face. His hair went ruffled, his necktie was loosened around his neck and he'd already unbuttoned his coat so he could breath freely. Harry removed his contact lenses and wore his round geeky glasses instead. Everything was replaying in his mind, the way she looked at him, the way she speak.. It's seemed so surreal.

"Harry!!" His head turned to the entrance of the pitch where his best friend Ron Weasley was standing, looking at him with such worries. The red haired wizard walked toward him and sat next to him.

"She's there mate.. McGonagall recognized her presence of course. She also called me and you, I just stood there next to her.." Ron hesitantly glanced at Harry who's now staring at his leather black shoes. "Kinda awkward actually.. She can't quite remember me.. And, she asked me... W-who are you.."

Harry gulped, his throat seems to burn in dryness. "I've met her.. She's here about an hour ago. She have changed a lot, for the better I think."

Ron looked at his friend with such sympathy, there's a momentarily pause before he stood and offer his hand to him. "Have you seen Romilda Vane?! Damn dude! She's fucking hot! She's looking for you as a matter of fact I think that woman's still has a crush on you. You should dance her mate, really!" He beamed trying so hard to fake a wide smile.

"I don't think I can--"

"Oh rubbish! Stop wincing there like a teenage git Harry! Cheer up! Let's just enjoy this night. Tomorrow we've got to face the reality again. Just make me a favor mate." Ron scowled and dragged his hand closer to Harry's face.

Harry sighed and slapped his hand as hard as he could and immediately stood on his feet and went running out of the pitch. "Ugh! You bloody wanker!!" Ron yelled, clutching his almost numbing hand. The two sprinted back to the castle.

* * *

Ron chased his best friend in the empty corridor where the usual armored knights were standing. Harry tried to forget what happened previously and just joined Ron on running and screaming at the deserted part of the castle, where their voices were just echoing back to their faces.

"Ugh, I... I can't run anymore, I badly need a workout. You have to remind me that one mate." Ron said while panting and gasping for air.

Harry stopped and sat on the nearby bench, the smile on her lips slowly vanished as the deafening silence engulfed them again. "I see you've missed causing mischief in this school, aren't you? 20 points from Gryffindor for each of you." Ron and Harry turned their gaze to the woman who's standing under the stone arch. Her Scarlet dress robes was magnificently swaying by the blow of the wind , her square spectacles seemed to glistened as the light from the torch hit it.

"Until now professor? Oh come on, at least show some consideration for your own house." Ron grinned on Harry before shaking off some invisible dust on his coat.

"You among all the people must know how much I value a fair game Mr. Weasley, now if you could please excuse us, I have to give Mr. Potter his detention." The old witch simply winked at Ron who just cackle before walking out of the place.

"As you wish Professor." He waved his hand before he totally vanished from sight.

McGonagall turned to Harry who's until now was staring at his shoes. "She asked me about you earlier, she never stopped asking." She sat next to him, Harry looked at her in furrowed eyebrows.

"I- I don't know what you're talking about headmistress." He said casually.

"We both knew what you've done three years ago Mr. Potter and believe it or not, I'm still wondering why you did such foolish action." McGonagall replied.

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