C H A P T E R 17

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The sun flickered on Dracos' face, he opened his eyes to find himself sitting by the green grass while his head was painfully leaning against the big rock.

"Ugh bloody hell." He lifted himself and sighed in relief when he felt his and Hermiones' wand inside his robes' pocket.

"Malfoy!" Blaise ran toward his direction, he paused for a minute to relax his breathing.

"What is it Zabini?" He asked impatiently.

"G-Granger... I-in the hospital--" but Draco already push him aside and sprint inside the castle. "Malfoy!" He then ran next to him.

Draco almost fly to reach the hospital wing taking three steps at a time. Fuck! Fuck!  He surprisingly came faster as the adrenaline took place. He burst open the door, he instantly saw the brown haired witch lying by the nearest bed.

"What happened?!" He asked exasperatedly.

"Relax Mr. Malfoy, we've checked her.. She's completely fine." Madam Pomfrey said.

Draco sat at the armchair next to her bed, her eyes were closed and her breathing was stable. The knot in his heart slowly vanished when Hermione opened her eyes slowly.

"Hermione! H-how are you?" He remove some strand of her hair from her face before pressing his lips on her forehead for a brief moment.

"We found her in the abandoned bathroom on the third floor, unconscious." Professor McGonagall said from behind.

Draco didn't look at the headmistress instead he continued to look at Hermione with the same worried expression.

"Hermione how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I-I'm okay Draco... I just... I don't remember how I came in that place, I never been there in my entire life." Hermione said, Madam Pomfrey raise her brow to the witch which she didn't notice.

"You're looking for Potter right? Maybe you slipped on the wet floor and lost your consciousness." Draco conclude instantly.

"I must inform you that there's no damage or bruises found in any part of her body Malfoy." Madam Pomfrey interrupted.

There's a moment of silence before Hermione lift her head and looked at Draco then to Madam Pomfrey and McGonagall.. He opened her mouth and asked with the same puzzled expression. "Who is Potter, Draco?"

His mouth fell open, his gaze turned to Madam Pomfrey questioningly. The old lady shook her head, completely had no idea if Hermione was only fooling them.

"Harry Potter of course, who else it'll be?" Draco said.

Hermione looked at him confusedly, she tried so hard to remember something about the person he's talking about, but she just couldn't. "Ah!" She grasped her head as a stinging pain suddenly strike.

Madam Pomfrey poured a potion from the phial and hand it on Hermione. "Drink this, it'll soothe the pain."

Draco assist her shaking hand until she drank the potion, he helped her lie against the white pillow and covered the blanket on her body.  "Rest, Hermione." He squeezed her hand gently and leave a quick peck on the cheek.

"If you excuse us Miss Granger." McGonagall said, Hermione nodded before closing her eyes.

They go outside of the infirmary and close the door behind them. Draco was the first to speak, "what's happening to her?"

"Poppy?" McGonagall shoot the same confused look on the nurse.

"I have a conclusion that maybe her head hit on a solid material so hard that she'd lost some of her memory." Madam Pomfrey said.

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