C H A P T E R 20

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Harry woke up early, he took a warm bath and brushed his teeth. He wore a white button-up sleeve, a silk black coat and trouser and dark grey for neck tie. He used magic just for this day to tamed his hair.

He looked up to his reflection on the mirror, he smiled stupidly to himself and tried every expression he could. "Oh.. Hey.. How's your morning... Tsk, sounds hilarious. Hey Hermione! It's good to see you here!" He beamed in front of the mirror. "No. No. She might think I'm mental." Harry poked his forehead.

"Hello Hermione, my office is happened to be in the same floor as yours, so we will see each other every now and then, and you can't do anything to change that. You heard me? You can't do anything to avoid my presence." He pointed a finger on his own reflection.

"Oh bloody Merlin! Did I just spoke like a creepy fugitive stalker? Argh!" Harry cackled to himself.

"Hey mate! You ready?!" Neville called from behind the close door.

Harry strode toward the door and burst it open. "Super ready!" He said in exasperation.

"O... Kay.." Neville forced an awkward smile before they descended downstairs.

* * *

"Have you seen him smile that wide?" Neville whispered beside Ron's ear.

"No, you think he's loosing it? I told you, I heard him talking to himself." Ron asked with a trace of worries in his tone.

"Maybe.. I have an idea." Neville whispered again, though the two were oblivious that Harry could hear them loud and clear.

"Spill it." Ron hissed.

"Let's bring him to St. Mungos first, you know, just to make sure he's fine." Harry almost choked on his pumpkin juice as he tossed the paper cup on the trash bin.

"Oh no, we can't do that, he might lose his job if the minis--"

"Will you both shut up?!" Harry growled, his two friends stopped dead on track. "Keep that fat mouth of yours closed or I will bite you 'til your flesh torn out from your bone!" Neville and Ron raised their hands in surrender, their eyes were filled with laughable fear.

"Will you?" Harry snapped.

They both nodded their heads vigorously. "Good." Harry turned to his heels, a cocky grin on his face.

The three wizards just used the train to go to the telephone box, the visitors means of transportation to the ministry. Harry dialed the number 62442 on the telephone keys as the box slowly sank downward.

"Here we are! Where are we supposed to go now?" Harry said, but the two didn't speak. "Oh c'mon! I'm just kidding, speak up!" He demanded.

"You almost gave us a heart attack!" Neville spat.

"Neville, you've had killed a horcrux and you're afraid of my fake outburst? Bloody lame." Harry commented as they walked toward the elevator.

"Neville was afraid your lips might touch his skin!" Ron sneered beside Harry.

"Oh shut up Ron, you should've seen the expression on your face!" Harry hit him by the side before pressing the button labeled, level 2.

"Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Department for the regulation and control of Magical Creatures. " said the voice from the megaphone.

"They've moved the DRCMC, here?" Neville asked in amazement.

"Temporarily. I think the beast division office only." Harry replied, a smile still on his face.

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